
@Xstrikr: What do people whine about when it comes to FFIV-V? ;)

God I hated that crab boss...

@Gr1m505: haha that was my first thought too...

I haven't played Mass Effect 2 yet but I felt this way about Dragon Age...

Thank god we didn't get that cell-shading.

@denki: Well its free so no biggie. :)

@denki: People have been doing this for years and making a living off it to boot (albeit it not video game mashups). Not like this is anything new.

Lotta guys here roleplaying as females ;)

haha...why do so many of the female shepards look the same.

I get the Juri, Chun and Ryu but why the other three random characters?

@LordChris915: I saw those reports about Sony trying to help fix the game. Did it even happen though or was it just some unqualified rumor/still an upcoming patch?

@YuniYoshi: Its a prequel to Kingdom Hearts so it might actually be better to play this before you play KH1-2 I'm assuming?

I still don't think that Capcom has the 2d feel down in their 2.5D fighting games.

@Syril: One button special moves. :)

@madammina: Oops I meant a port of FF IV DS for iphone/ipod :D

Not a fan of FF I-III even after they spruced things up.

@Jus in melancholy: True. But at the same time, P2 would catch the interest of all the new fans brought in by P3-P4 as opposed to doing a remake of a two year old game that not every fan is necessarily going to want to re-buy. Especially since this would technically be the third release of the game.

Bastards...tricked us into getting ODST. Didn't they say these would never be released as stand alone DLC?