
@chronomasakari: Don't bother. Your logic falls upon deaf ears. Just let them rage against the machine with their denouncing of all social networking. ;)

@Toshiya: FYI You don't have to create a Twitter account to view their Tweets. (Assuming they make them public)

@WolfmanWalt: LOL...nothing personal. I just hate her character design. That butt smash thing is just too much. Watching her gameplay videos make me think that she was who they had in mind when they created Fuerte. Maybe I just have a bias against masked wrestlers. :P


@THEMISSING: Nice. Harder for it to get it stolen.

How is the weight on the thing compared to the original TE?

@HatchC2: There were 4 more (?) empty character selection slots in the build at the CES fight club event.

@HatchC2: Who is left from the Alpha roster? Sodom, Birdie, R. Mika (lol)?

@Mike Fahey: I think Crackerjack was the dude with the bat. :D

@Subsenix: You forget the Jansen and Ming love story. LMAO...that scene was Amazinggggg

@dafthero: Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Lost Odyssey but pretending that Mistwalker did something groundbreaking with Lost Odyssey sort of borders on fanboyism. Outside of the excellent thousands years dream bit they played it pretty safe. Errr...that was his old alt. costume from SF4 :)

@TrIp13G: Well colossus is Russian so it would sort of make sense if they actually used him as inspiration for the alt.

@maraxusofk: Am I missing something here? What was so great about that? :\

@sanyo: k thanks. At least they didn't spoil part of the game in the text like they did last time with the Return To Ostagar DLC.

Any spoilers in this trailer? I'm still not done with the game.

@resvrgam: Semantics. A decade can refer to any period of ten years. Its way more common to consider 0-9 years as a decade than those who go strictly by the calendar starting at 1.

@Str8_Jihadin: Are you talking about the interview they posted on Xbox Live? She looked like she was ready to go work the streets.