
Not their best work. They are at their best when they are out in public and you get to see people's reactions to their antics.

@DarkGeneral: A little bit but KOF came out way before that...she didn't have the eyepatch in previous games and her outfit was a little different.

In the 360 version (video on Gametrailers) there looks like some pretty noticeable loading time in between rounds. Hopefully hard drive installation lessens this.

It would be funny if DNF had a coming out party at E3 and all of this was an elaborate ploy to get people to care about the game again.

Seriously...WHY? This game has been remade multiple times already.

Don't count for what?

I've matched up with Alex Valle (XBL GT: Calipower) in HD Remix online. Got owned. :)

@basilan: They are trying to replicate the original Neo-Geo stick.

I can't say that I'm excited about Persona PSP remake. The first person dungeon crawling and the enemy encounter rate in that game drove me nuts.

Stick Fighter anyone? hehe

It seems like most of you guys aren't thoroughly reading the article. I'm definitely more interested in the added SP component than the new maps.

Top left. The other ones are too busy and look like bad photoshop collages.

Original art looks better. This piece makes the main Raz look like a bug...

Saying that its better than the original art borders on hyperbole (IMO of course). This looks like something that might be on the cover of magazine where a guest comic book artist does his renditon of a game.

Too little too late? Still cheaters in Halo 3 too...sigh.

@Archaotic: Need your eyes checked. Are you looking at the thumbs or the 1280 images? lol