
@thatcreepyguy: Actually the 360 pad is THAT bad. Its so bad some people prefer to use the analog stick over it.

@zegota: Yes. Having to slog my way through Arcade mode in SF4 was retarded...

More detailed details haha

Putting "confirmed with HD" is a little deceptive. ;)

I don't recall being overcharged...but maybe I was? Doh...haha

@MrEvil: Did you even play the game to the end?

I thought the game was quite fun. More fun than DMC4 and Heavenly Sword. Not quite sure why it got such a bad rap. The story was actually pretty good too.

@vorpal_raddish: huh? Capris = 3/4 pants = long shorts = mostly worn by girls. Did I miss something here?

@Coleman811: Chuck is meh...they need to put Friday Night Lights on Mondays so people actually watch it.

Wtf. those aren't shorts. Those are like capris...for chicks.

Hate the versus series. Hope the announcment is for something else :D

@Ramistat: Yup. I enjoyed 3rd Strike's music in general.

@Kougeru Matsuoka: Considering its still getting released the same day not really anything anyone should cry or lose sleep over.

Does anyone still play this on XBL? The last time I tried playing (when the last patch came out) it took FOREVER to get a game started.


Seems like everyone has some kind of conspiracy theory these days....

Lobbies where are youuuuu?

@goldwings: The red color is nice. Although I think all Blu-rays should just use the blue.

"Greatness is earned" lol...they should get rid of that.