
I'm sorry for that, man. You must have felt completely crestfallen. Did she really not give any hint that she was uninterested or were you just unable to pick up on them?

I might have been in a similar situation, but she continued to talk to me for sometime and by the time I realized we were no longer Facebook friends

You need to treat women both like human beings and also as women.

Are you really so dense as to not realize what sort of challenge Dr. Nerdlove is talking about?

That's not the type of challenge Dr. Nerdlove is referencing.

Do you really need to respond to every comment that echoes your own opinion?

Women (and men) don't need to give verbal permission to touch one another. It can be a very enthusiastic expression of positivity. All it takes is being able to read social cues and nonverbal expression.

Yes, they are. Most people expect to go on a few dates to, first of all, get a read on whether you're a normal person who won't kill them and, secondly, whether they enjoy your company enough that they won't have to worry about being bored with you.

People deal with grief in different ways. You have no right to judge or even question your sister's form of grief.

It may not be common among humans as a whole, but it is certainly common among people who have experienced these circumstances of meeting a family member for the first time past the point of being conditioned with the Westermarck Effect.

You sound like an incredibly selfish, privileged person. How could you put more value on the materialness of a "dream trip" than the tangible meaning of family? Because of you your mother was deprived of her father's last moments.

So, basically what you're saying is that the only anime you've watched is what was aired on Cartoon Network/Toonami/Adult Swim and you're just generalizing the rest of the medium's output?

No? Why would you tip for terrible service?

Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

So don't publish them, asshole. You're condoning such behavior.

I feel deceived, though.

Sounds like cheating to me.

Your comment was literally the best I've ever read. Hilarious.

Fuck you, asshole. Your comments are so smugly ignorant.

The man credited with creating Bruce Wayne and his famous alter ego wasn't much of a draftsman. And he was an exploitative egomaniac who claimed the creations of others as his own. Nevertheless, there's little dispute that Batman's first iconic costume design—purple gloves and all—came from Bob Kane.

I feel like that's probably the normal experience for those seeking medication, but the psychiatrist I spoke to was very concerned about minimizing potential side effects and specifically asked about my sex drive.