

What does that even mean? That the husband is smoking a lot of weed?

Krampus was referencing JKR writing the screenplay(s) to the upcoming Harry Potter prequel films.

Krampus was referencing JKR writing the screenplay(s) to the upcoming Harry Potter prequel films.

There's Christian swingers. Really. People will believe anything they want to suit their personal inclinations. There could very easily be Christian/Jewish/Muslim witches and wizards—they would simply have to say that the mainstream translations of the holy texts are "wrong," as many sects already do.

I have someone on my Facebook as well who posts such things.

(note: make sure you own a copy of Mario 64 in some form or fashion; Kotaku does not condone piracy)

Victini is #000.

The body treats HFCS no differently than it treats sugar, which might as well be called "High Fructose Beet Crystals."

It's just sugar from a different source.

The original SNES title just isn't a good game. I played it while heavily medicated and suicidal. It's disturbing.

You really don't like any of the seven Mario Kart titles that came out in the 22 years between the original and current releases?

Sorry, but battle arenas were a waste of time. It's all about racing.

Are you referencing the orcs? I don't believe the orcs are stated to be exclusively black—they had a range of colors.

Every mythology talked about evil barbarians from exotic lands. It makes sense for an Anglo mythos to treat foreigners as villains. Even then, the books make it very clear that many of the "white" races

There's a ton of games on CoolRom that can be bought new. Nintendo is constantly re-releasing Mario titles, for example, which is one of the most popularly emulated series.

Since when is kink/BDSM about discomfort? Many kinksters actively avoid discomfort, even if they enjoy pain.

It's an entirely possible to be unaware of a random video, as well as it is to independently develop a similar, yet completely original action.

How is the boyfriend potentially racist for being aware that his girlfriend was overreacting?

Dude, you could have just bought the Magikarp from the Mt. Moon salesman, renamed it Mew, and obtained it that way. The truck is too complicated.

I did play games. That also seemed to render a positive reaction from my friend, but nothing changed in the end.