
Getting your friend to confess was actually the first path I discovered, but it took me awhile to reproduce it once I read that was one of the endings.

I don't think it helps that the "Talk about the Game" narrative doesn't really lead anywhere. I thought for sure that would give my friend the choice to fight with me.

I've gone down that path, but wasn't offered a choice at the end of the game. (Another site mentions taking and not taking a GameBoy, but I don't know how to access that)

EVERYONE in Israel was a soldier at one point.

I find it odd that everyone suddenly became extremely literal just to bash the letter-writer.

The writer clearly isn't suggesting that the next pregnancy will feature the same fetus/baby, but the concept of a child.

The writer clearly isn't suggesting that the next pregnancy will feature the same fetus/baby, but the concept of a child.

The writer clearly isn't suggesting that the next pregnancy will feature the same fetus/baby, but the concept of a child.

Such an odd thing to focus on.

Maybe some, but the predominant stance is one of disgust and shame.

It isn't? Says who?

The smaller the fruit, the more the flavour. Flavour distributes evenly to the point that a bigger fruit has less per bite.

I don't know if C.A. Pinkham is being accurate since I'm a dishwasher and get tipped-out all the time.

I'm not sure if that's true since I'm a dishwasher in California and get tipped-out every paycheck.

No one should be smoking or drinking anyways.

This idea has been dissected before with a cost breakdown. It's just too expensive. Who will pay for it? The government? They already don't want to pay for education.

Dude, what difference does it make? It's never going to come out in a "complete package." If that were the case they would have had all of this ready a year ago.

You just seem like a very cheap person. $12 is not a lot to expect for nearly doubling the content a game offers.

Except you don't know the context either. There is no indication that the alleged victim has a history of receiving physical abuse from these people. All we know is that he struck first (fact) and threatened the school (fact).

Paul Burt is not "wrong."

Stating that someone should not resort to violence is not "pinning it on the victim."