Rubberband AI only works for computer players, so it won't have an effect in any online games.
Rubberband AI only works for computer players, so it won't have an effect in any online games.
Sex isn't exactly a thing you can be skilled at. It's just a matter of lasting long enough and maintaining a rhythm.
Of course not.
How would that constitute piracy?
I personally find piracy to be morally reprehensible.
Podkayne was an immature, deluded child who ended up dying for no reason other than her writer was insane and too sexist to realize that there would be female astronauts within the century.
The fact that the story is set nearly 10,000 years into the future and human society is dictated by a feudal government and various opposing capitalist bodies and religious interests suggests that our species has remained the same.
Most of the artwork features guns and none showcase the soldiers with shields, so it just doesn't seem likely to me. That disappointed me since there's a dearth of modern interpretations of the series.
What? I've read the entire series (sans the Brian Herbert/Kevin J Anderson entries), even when most people don't bother to go further than Dune Messiah.
I believe only one of the concept pieces shown are Dune-related.
Dune is soft science-fiction, so it focuses more on the humanities (culture and religion especially). If you're interested in a story that tells how our species will remain the same even after thousands of years you might like it.
Once again, Ant-Man was not a "wife-beater." Actually read the comic or any of the interviews about it.
A violent psychopath who abuses his power and a self-hating victim-blamer are worthy of your praise?
You seem to think that "heteronormative" means having sex while one or more of those involved has a penis. Clearly that term would not apply to male homosexual relationships.
No one has yet to explain to me just what is wrong with region-locking or why I should care.
There are multiple ways to interpret Vulcan Has No Moon's comment, asshole.
MappAndLuciaReMakeHolla never stated that the tempura was simply on the bar like peanuts, but that it came with the drinks without having to be ordered.
I live in California. Avocados were obscure here among most demographics until recently. CALIFORNIA.
There was a girl hitchhiking out from my town who I stopped to give some food and money to. She was rather cute and I wanted to talk more, so I put up a listing a few weeks later. A couple weeks after that she E-mailed me to say a friend had told her about my listing.
Everyone should check out the 1989-1991 Batman syndicated newspaper strip. It started out with art by Marshall Rogers and finished up with Carmine Infantino. Overall, it's got one of the best Two-Face stories ever:…