
This very article makes the comparison by not denoting a difference of categories.

Every time you explain TAS you just make it more and more clear that they don't actually play the game. They're essentially cheating by hacking the game. That is not fair and worthy of hating.

Except I've watched multiple videos where people do just that. They sit down, turn on the console and then laugh as it runs itself. No one has their hands on a single controller.

Except these people aren't "playing" the game, so it's not really a speedrun at all.

Tool-assisted speedruns should be commended for their programming, not for the actual speedrun. It's a disservice to the entire pasttime.

That sounds exactly like it doesn't deserve appreciation .

I wouldn't care so long as the article made a point to actually mention which form of speedrun this is. Kotaku never does.

No? TAS involve letting a computer play the game for you.

You're clearly being the stubborn one by raising an issue that is irrelevant to the issue at-hand. I'm merely trying to break through your obfuscation so that we can focus on legitimate arguments.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be angry about here. Biggs makes a joke about white people, which is Jezebel's shtick. Are the writers here just upset that a white man is making a joke about his own race rather than a white woman?

I've read a lot about the high rate of child abuse/molestation among nudist/naturist communities. What are your thoughts on this?

Additionally, it seems that a lot of naturist "art" is reappropriated as essentially child porn. How do you feel about photography within the community?

You're calling the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. Referring to adult human males as "boys" doesn't detract from the issue.

Men don't treat women badly in regards to friendship and relationships because they are men but because of how our culture expects them to act as men and treat women.

The Koopalings have been retconned from being Bowser's children to his highest-ranking generals. That means they are not related to Bowser, Jr. in any familial sense.

I defended incest. What is wrong with that?

They all look like fake-tanned white people to me.

Yeah, this is no more in the Hanna-Barbera "style" than the plethora of "Disneyfied" characters are in the Disney "style."

How could any of what Tamaritha be construed as pro-life?

Research your family tree. There very likely were cousin-marriages in your recent genealogy.

The "vast majority" of incest cases are only a minority of those that reach prosecution because those are generally the ones that are not consensual.