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Down hill couch racing seems so innocent and safe...

OMG WE ROLLED THE CAR.... Yay! I can climb out the window instead of opening the door now.

It's an engineering race until the third stage, then it comes down to BFH skills :D

What is the lap time like 10%?

I deleted everyone and only added those who I had talked to in the last few weeks.

The original trains that used these tracks weighed around 1/4 million lbs. :-P

How many times has my '95 Honda been stolen, parted out and rebuilt?

Many of us know the difficulty associated with removing the rear bolts from a Subaru Strut. After breaking a wrench on it, I was able to torch and grind the bolt off the back. This is where the problems started, it would spin, but wouldn't budge out. I started trying to use a punch to knock it out, this got it half

haha thank you! I had a lincoln with rusted out mufflers, so I thought I'd just go open headers, well that was tooooo loud, so I unclamped the last bit of exhaust work, drilled some holes in a can of soup, and bolted it back in there.... SOOOO MUCH BACKPRESSURE but sooo much quieter

Did you not hear about the very similar massacre that happened in the motoring community? Far more perished at the hands of our very government in some corrupt scheme no doubt funded by the big 3 to increase revenue. Yes, what I speak of is one of the greatest losses in recent history it was...

glad to see I'm not the only one with bad memories related to electricity and mouth.

DRIVE FAST!! My favorite ex gf absolutely LOVED it when I drove like a mad man, we got pulled over so many times together. After a little while I realized that if she liked this so much, that she should drive. It took a little convincing, but after I taught her how to do doughnuts, she saw the light. First it was

Fails Dui test "No officer, the monkey was driving, I only operate the pedals!"

haha, it sounds like a crappy alien movie's sound fx

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I love my little Honda, but these things were designed for ~120ish hp. Nowadays, there are hundreds of people pushing out over 500hp in these things. Safe? HELL NO!! but I've gone +130 in an Audis, Subarus, and all kinds of newer cars, and nothing feels as fast as the same speed in that little shit box :D

See i was thinking that too, I almost wonder if the extra long taillight is due to the development time of the frame?

2nd paragraph

yes, but the finish/start ratio does show quite a few beaters dying a glorious death.

Whenever I have to have my car jacked up with the Ebrake off, I set the other end of it in the spare wheel, so it would have to roll up and out of the wheel to roll away.