My classmates father has an un-restored example of one of these. He still fires it up and takes anyone who wants out for a drive, including the dog! He's pretty much my hero
lame, everyone knows that era of civic was the safer than a modern volvo :-P
this one had better be one of the winners!!!
Those damn giant meddling crows
I keep finding myself getting more and more news from this source :S
My car has no A/C, it's black, and has tons of untinted glass. I live where 80's and high humidity are prevelant. In the summer I usually throw my ear plugs in, open both windows wide open, and stick arm out the sunroof on the highway. And I still sweat my nuts off.
haha this just made my morning
You get this for urinating in public in MN, do you know any man who has never urinated in public?
Dealing with this guy could be a real pain in the ass
The german tourist was not impressed har har
Subaru writes some stuff on their valve covers, which most owners will NEVER see :D
which is a such an easy job on these motors DOH!
haha, he really doesn't look very upset all things considered...
:-( I wanna move there
My Hondas and my parents Stratus had the gauge on the right side, with the door on the left side. The Stratus (breeze) had an aarow, the hondas don't, but they Honda's did have a remote door release, so you can just check the sideviews for the door popped open.
you're supposed to connect to the frame rather than directly to the battery because the cables act as a bit of a buffer (albeit a very low resistance one) to prevent a frozen battery from possibly exploding, although I've never heard of this happening.
Very nice write up! In my case it would be beige and boy.
If you look at Mercedes, they represent less than 1%, and are outsold by every other manufacturer listed below them. It would be nice if somebody would combine this with the "these are the cars we drive" to figure out which brand has the highest whoring rate per owner haha.