
I've worked at several assembly line plants, I have yet to meet a line worker who "loves" their job.

"Yeah boss, I'm gonna be a little late to work today. The snow crew is doing their best to clear out a path to work, but it isn't going very fast"

Depressants don't affect my central nervous system either. I have found copious amounts of meth-amphetamines actually speed up my reaction times though, so I make sure I'm tweakin' for autocrosses and what not.

haha, I know what you mean about being more careful. Coming from a town with a high percentage of pot smokers, I find it awful entertaining to throw my keys at my high friends faces. The reaction times are noticeable delayed to the point that if my keys weren't on a lanyard, my friends would all hate me by now haha.

I had a mid 90's buick also with the 3.8L v6, well, it's fuel pressure regulatar diaphragm would rupture sending that high pressure gasoline straight into the vacuum line. I decided I could probably just crimp this off until I got a new regulator, well, yeah kinda, instead it sprayed out a fine mist of gasoline

ermmm. no you posted an F-50, Dave posted an F-40, no body kits here...

I've owned a few luxury cars, and had exceptional reliability with them as far as the running gear goes. The problem comes from the countless accessories, loose a key less remote? at least 2x a standard remote. Digital automatic climate control on the fritz, 18way power adjustable seat looses one of it's settings

That and Honda isn't the one who says what mpg their cars get, sue the EPA. Oh america, home of the lawyer and eternal debt.

2013 Honda Civic 4-Stroke

Black Smoke Racing did something similar, It tickles the crap out of my fancy

Hmm, so for a little more than what I paid, I could have had...

Call me crazy, but I always keep a spare Ti-89 and an extra set of batteries.

so send me a link to something with equal specs for same price? or even close?

As an engineer, I know if I accelerate hard enough I can change the color back to orange, and fast enough even green!

Kinda makes you wonder if the divorce would have gone through if she knew about the 7.5 million...

Point 8.

it would be packed with innovation!

Why they no wear safety goggles?!