Red 4 standing by

Yeah, the flopping debate has always been tinged with a sort of macho posturing, particularly in the US and Canada. “Look at those effeminate Europeans/South Americans. Our sports aren’t like that.” Never mind that there’s plenty of diving and other attempted hoodwinking of refs in every major sport. Or that the “play

But they had plenty of articles about women’s soccer in general. If the argument being made is that women should be paid more because there’s the potential for them to generate significant revenue, then focusing on one game out of an entire tournament is a mistake. The ratings for the smaller matches would be

Basing your argument on the numbers generated by a tournament game in which the US was in the final is probably not the soundest of plans.

This is some terrible reasoning.

Who should pay them accordingly? Are your referring to the salaries they make on their professional teams? The prize money from FIFA?

I believe that all children have unique learning styles (some are visual learners, others are manual learners, etc.)

Well, at least that “holy fuck” seems sincere.

Two helicopter cops are in big trouble

That was my primary take away from the CAN-NED game I went to on Tuesday. There’s significantly less whinging from the women than you get in a men’s game. I’ve heard the same assessment independently from at least 3 other people when I spoke with them about the game.

I specifically wrote “straight” instead of “questioning” for a reason.

It’s actually pretty uncool to use ANYONE’S artistic property without their permission, regardless of whether they’re going to sue you for it or not.

The only thing more reliably dumb than the MRA trolls are the people who mimic them and think they’re making some sort of useful point.

I know this is your particular hobby horse, but this is awfully weak evidence to hang one’s hat on.

Now *that* is an unfortunate choice of animal.

Well, presumably her motives were the same as the people who lied about being white, no? She felt there was some sort of advantage to it?

More or less of an asshole than all the people who uncritically bought the story hook, line and sinker?

My take away from this is not that the women are being paid too little, but that the men are probably being paid too much.

Depends where you are. My understanding is that in some places it is actually illegal to forbid people from discussing their salaries although companies routinely pressure people to do just that.

I highly doubt that anybody makes a conscious decision to find children sexy, so maybe we can hold off on advocating violence against them for something they have no control over.

You can always tell someone isn’t really interested in thinking when their immediate reaction to an argument or point of view is to drop it in a descriptive box, in this case MRA, rather than addressing it as is.