Yes. All you need to do to have delicious broccoli is steam it carefully so you don't over cook it. I am 100% convinced that a large majority of the foods people claim to dislike are just foods they've never had prepared properly.
Yes. All you need to do to have delicious broccoli is steam it carefully so you don't over cook it. I am 100% convinced that a large majority of the foods people claim to dislike are just foods they've never had prepared properly.
You do understand the irony of making this comment on an article that makes sweeping generalizations about people based entirely on anecdotal evidence provided by the author?
Ha! I was going to make the same comment re:hot takes. Global Beet, not commentor that Jezebel needs, but the one it deserves.
What kind of reply is that? Yeah, you don't care if people disagree, we get it.
Not so much the civ choice but the way it plays and the type of goals it has.
On what basis could they be made illegal?
dudes can get jobs ALMOST ANYWHERE ELSE (and get paid more for it)
have silently listened to people joke about "beef curtains" and disparage "sloppy pussies" all my life
Have you seen the Oilers this year?
What's most important to notice about Miss Canada is that her gloves are off so she clearly plans to whale on somebody if she loses.
So, this looks like it might be an interesting initiative, but I question the foundation you're building this thing on when you write,
If you believe men and women are equal you're a feminist, simple as that. I don't know why this is so hard for people- especially men- to understand, but I'm glad there's growing public discourse about it because it's a perception that needs to be changed.
Or because it didn't happen in a major Western capital full of news media organizations and their reporters?
The bunnies are great and all, but isn't it a little bit traumatic for them to open their little bunny eyes, look up and see a tree full of owls staring down at them?
How exactly is this guy a "bro?"
Someone's paying them to make feminism look bad
You also shouldn't lie to them or ridicule them, or hurt their feelings or disappoint them, or cheat on them or betray them.
Here's what the awesome Dave Bidini wrote to Mitchell after she did an interview with Maclean's .
How exactly does he come off as an asshole?
(you're free to reject that figure if you wish, but keep in mind that it's generally accepted by people who study this stuff seriously