
IMO, cars shaped like a doorstop are always preferable to me than their curvier replacements.

Panic braking should automatically sound the horn. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I had to focus all my attention on not crashing only to regret afterwards my failure to pass along at least a fuck you honk.

I agree with you 100%. This angry face trend has to stop.

Oh right, that name means more than one thing depending on where you are. Those alternating travel lanes are psychotic. I was thinking more of a shared left turn lane. People near me almost come to a complete stop in the travel lane before turning into the left turn lane, defeating the whole purpose.

Not sure what’s more frustrating as a driver. Coming across someone that can’t use a rotary properly or someone that can’t use a suicide lane properly.

The fraud probably doesn’t have the angry face grill either.

The LMST F150 Lightning tribute is street trucks done right. 650 warranteed horsepowers with the Rousch blower. And proper side exhaust pipes that exit before the rear wheels.

I’m getting awfully close. I can like a person but I hate people.

Nah, just vent to the popcorn vendor in Tomorrowland. That's the preferred method.

I have the Nokian zLine A/S (the one he refers to as the “American all-season” tire) on my Miata because I drive it all year. It is mud & snow rated, but no snowflake/mountain logo. No way in hell I’d use these in snow (I have dedicated snow tires for that). I consider it more of an all temperature tire (think

Does Honda get to collect royalties for the design?

The only thing I can remember is when Audi switched from turbocharging to supercharging and kept the V6T badges on the side of the car.  But the vagueness of what the T actually meant made it ok-ish I guess?

Those 2 option packages are £21k, or roughly the cost of an entire Megane GT!

With this bad boy.

Oh, so this is how we’re going to start off our week?  With a bunch of arguing?

To be fair, we hate pretty much everyone.

I don’t know guys, I’m starting to think the uproar over kneeling wasn’t all about disrespecting the flag.


I have a hard time saying no to any older Z car in decent shape as long as it isn’t a 2+2. Although that’s redundant. All 2+2 started out with a horrible shape.

Wait... Hold the press... a $60k truck is better than all the $45k trucks in its class?