Red Scharlach

Cesar Milan preaches a scientifically unfounded training method and commits acts of animal abuse, he's easy not to like.

I'm not a head kicker myself, but if you can pull it off, more power to you.

For sure. If you send me a link to a school I will take a look. BJJ is one of those arts where its current popularity has led to a swarm of mcdojos led by instructors with questionable qualifications who are just in it for the money. If that is the vibe you get when you talk to them, you're probably right. Any good

Bad ass.

I don't watch much MMA myself. I have nothing against what is really just one rule set for sport fighting, but a lot of the marketing and attitude around things like the UFC turns me right off.

If I had 10 seconds to teach someone how to fight, that would pretty much be it. Go like fuck, hit them as hard as you can and keep hitting them until they are no longer a threat.

As long as you have the intent of landing those other strikes and making them hurt even if they don't open up a groin shot, that sounds good to me. Best case scenario, you land the other strikes and do enough damage that the groin strike is just for your own piece of mind.

For someone without training, kneeing is probably a better bet, a lot less can go wrong and it's harder to see coming.

You are awesome. That is all.

I would say 60% stick (sometimes as a substitute for a machete style blade), 30% empty hand (focus on joint locking), 10% knife. I practice Modern Arnis, which can be great if you can find a good instructor but does have a fair number of instructors who got their black belts at a seminar because they were good at

You're right, in the street fights I've observed (and been in) the belligerent party is usually either drunk or out-of-control angry. Neither of these things is conducive to good defence.

If you're ever up in BC again and want to do some FMA stuff, let me know.

Ari made the good point earlier that most attackers in self defence situations are not real fighters. He's right, people who don't have training, no matter how tough they are tend to leave themselves exposed. You have to react to energy you are getting from your opponent, you can't just pick a technique and decide

I was thinking that an attacker in a self defence situation might be more likely to be thinking about defending the balls than someone in a sport event where such shots are not allowed. I think I would probably suggest a knee rather than a kick as well, less chance of missing, and if the attacker isn't actively

As a martial artist in an art that includes groin strikes (and owner of a pair of balls), I am all for this in a self defence situation. However, I've seen some "self defence instructors" (really instructors of some sport art, that think running a women's self defence class will make them some money) teach what I

Not an MRA, but a martial artist here. My objection to the groin kick is that it is pretty easy to defend against. If you get the chance, by all means go for it. But, don't be overly dependant on it or assume that you will get that chance.

For someone with the name Gigolo she sure seems uptight about sex.

We pretty clearly evolved eating wild grains as well. Otherwise why would anyone have tried domesticating a plant they didn't eat?

It was probably a collaborator horse.

Bald eagles are far from endangered. They are listed as least concern. Where I live there are tons of bald eagles. Once you've seen dozens of them scavenging a the dump or hundreds eating rotting salmon you realize that they are really just vultures with good PR.