Dr. Disrespect broke laws and ONLY got suspended, Tfue has violated Twitch TOS so many times the public has lost track but continues to stream without issues so the joke works.
Dr. Disrespect broke laws and ONLY got suspended, Tfue has violated Twitch TOS so many times the public has lost track but continues to stream without issues so the joke works.
Im always surprised how GTA seems to slide under the radar when in comes to microtransactions like these.
So he just calls people “coon” and bunch of other racist, homophobic shit because he’s just a nice guy having fun, nah. I call it like I see it.
Got it, you can’t formulate a proper rebuttal, let alone respond in a coherent manner to a simple question which leads to a few definitive conclusions about you:
How so? You can be sexist, racist or discriminatory to anyone, it has nothing to do with protected status. I’m not trying disagree with you, just trying to assess your comment is all.
I can assure you that “coon” is not apart of today’s normal lexicon or slang so yeah he knows exactly what he is doing and saying and it has nothing to do with social media or pop culture. I follow quite a few streamers and even among Black streamers, they often don’t allow the N-word as it violates TOS. Tfue is a…
Stop being a sexist, racist, discriminatory asshole, asshole, it’s really not that hard, especially when you’re being paid way too much money to stream a damn video game.
HAHAHA! Maybe he’s scared of meeting the people he trolled online in class ;-)
Oh that damm beam of his will be so fun dodging lol! Hopefully we get Valstrax and the Black Dragon trio but I'm assuming we won't see them until MHW2 or 3
FACTS! This is the main reason I stopped playing Destiny as it is clear as day they are punishing you for playing solo
OMG!! I usually get excited for most game releases but for MHW: MUTHA FLIPPIN ICE BORNE, I’m super excited!!! I seriously can’t wait to dig back into this game!
This is cool T-Pain, Imma buy you drink because that outfit is win win win win win ;-)
I almost completely forgot about this feature, thank you!
Troll detected
Keep your hands to your damn self, shiiiiiiit. I thought this lesson was locked down in elementary school when we had to stand in line for recess and lunch.
So rather than find ways to take lootboxes out. THEY DOUBLE DOWN and add put lootboxes in the form of SLOT MACHINES??? This is a new level of disgusting and there is no way anyone can defend that they aren’t directly preying on people with addictions those, like kids into basketball or sports in general, who dont know…
I got that covered, I’ll make “snack tickets” that can only be acquired via...lot boxes! Might be snack tickets, miiiiight be a bunch of stickers of the popcorn were eating and the row boat...MWAHAHAHAHA!
WOOOOOW! Ok that I did not know regarding the tax evasion. How the hell are they able to get away with this stuff!
But how else will we use my battery powered Microwave that is totally safe over large bodies of water? We'll put the swedish fish.....IN THE POPCORN...then rule the world!!