
Oh I agree, and it made me hate the game a little as a result. This Crown event is almost like a big FU to the community because they grind gate the two boxes you can get and force you to drop real money for the other stuff. I guess EA is still salty about their Anthem flop and are trying to siphon money anyway they

Ill bring popcorn!

This. Yeah the game is “free” but so is Fortnite and tons of phone games but some how they can make companies lots and lots of money.  There is psychology involved in these game designs and the FOMO effect is very real.  These games are by design meant to entice people to buy this stuff.

I completely agree with what you’re saying but let’s be honest neither you or I are their target audience.  We are content to play the game and if we get some sweet loot, sweet, but we won’t thirst for it and be tempted to drop lots of cash to get items.  There are those however who will easily dump $170 to get

Do it! Now the fat guy in little coat” song is stuck in my head! Once you see the movie you’ll get it.

SAY IT LOUDER SIR! Couldn’t agree more.  I see this in the FGC all the time, someone will be skilled with a character but because it’s not the current meta they switch off, try to run meta and get destroyed because either the play style doesn’t fit them or they simply don’t fully understand why the meta works the way

I’ve been apart of the OW community since the start and one thing is for certain, no matter what the change is, the vocal minority will never be happy but will still play the game.  Yes 2-2-2 role lock will change up the game but that will hopefully get people to diversify their play some as well rather than DPS lock

So Anthem

Give us full games that clearly aren’t rushed out of the door or full of so many holes that it’s clear content was removed only to return later as DLC and I’ll happily pay. If the initial game content was solid, I will gladly pay for the DLC to keep showing support. Rather than have players spend money on lootboxes,

Please dont give them ideas

I think they should stop selling them across the board at this point.  Glad to hear the Walmarts in your area don’t sell them.

Anywhere on that memo about removing the actual guns from the damn store? Last I checked, no one committed mass murder using a game disc and case but they sure as hell can do that with a gun from Walmart! Fricken ridiculous!