
I volunteer my back garden for the bonfire, and will provide marshmallows for toasting.

Damn, should have read the comments before I wrote pretty much the same thing!

Sex Offenders have hard time obtaining U.K. visas, even Student ones. Even if Oxford offer him a place on the PhD programme, the Home Office will probably deny him entry.

The most surprising thing in this advert for me is that they used a ginger guy. In the UK being a ginger man is far more likely to cause consternation than being in a bi-racial family.

Spreadsheets make me feel like that even when I’m being paid to do them...

I have an idea. Ladies, who were born with Lady bits and have lady boobs and stuff, next time you are out and about in one of these “bathroom bill” States, pop into the men’s room. When challenged, say in your most ladylike voice “my birth certificate says I am a man and the government say I have to use this

I would watch that!

I am only one Bacon-Step from Henry Cavill, it is the closest I will ever get to Hollywood. Don’t hate on my family!

Starred because I adore Powerpuff Girls.


If, with the literate, I am / Impelled to try an epigram / I never seek to take the credit; We all assume that Oscar said it.

Big Brother is Dutch, Amercan Hell’s Kitchen is very different to the British one, the Weakest Link is quiz show (Isn’t it?). As for the X Factor - sorry about that. If it helps, I hate them all.

If her friend is sober and medicated, she is able to understand the consequences of her actions. The text sent to the husband was calculated to cause the most hurt possible. Unless the former friend apologises first to the husband and then the author, sincerely and without blaming her mental illness, there can be no

I completely agree. I have a Personality Disorder that is made worse when I drink. I missed my best friend from childhoods wedding because of my behaviour, and it is only after I sorted myself out and apologized that we began to rebuild our relationship. Same with my stepmum. I was an arse, and it was on me to say

That’s a crumpet, also widely available in every supermarket!

English Muffins do exist in England, I have them for breakfast. We just call them muffins.

Statically speaking, women like longer than men. It is therefore likely to cost more to keep them healthy.

I once sat on a bus to the end of the line because the Mum next to me was feeding her hungry little guy and I didn’t want to interrupt his lunch. I was in no rush and just caught the next one back.

I’m just so happy that social media was only invented after I left university. So much embarrassment has been avoided by being a couple of years older than Zuckerberg.

I will never understand why this isn’t shown in the UK. There are so many channels now, we import dross like the Kardashians and Real Housewives, but not SNL. Just wrong.