
Massive generalisation that is quite frankly offensive to this Brit.

When my fella isn’t staying over, he ends phone calls by saying “say hi to Barney, Englebert, Red, Gobo and Eyore from me”. Makes me love him a little bit more every time.

Oops, inadvertently nicked your comment, sorry!

I am 36, have great nails and I can’t peel a sodding orange.

The idea of a remake is horrific, remaking such a classic is just plain wrongheaded. And announcing it so soon after Bowie’s death is distasteful at best.

I should not have clicked on that link. I will never be able to look at a man again without wondering “Are you one of them?”.

You say how you would attempt to maim your abuser, I wonder if you have been in a situation where you are completely powerless? These men had power over if the women and their children had a roof and a bed. When they have that to wield, are you sure you would fight (or bite) back?

Inaction? Exactly what action should I take? Even if I thought you had a clue, what exactly would you have me do? I am a republican in the British sense and have always voted left wing. Other than that exactly how would you like me to behave?

You are wrong, but there is no point giving you facts, you just ignore them and continue to spout nonsense. I tried to inject a little humour and you still don’t get it. Honestly sunshine, you need to relax a little.

Maybe I am just a little more aware of what happens in my own country, and a little less paranoid?

Have a look at the outrage that followed when Prince Charles was found to be trying to influence Government policy. If the Monarch tried to weild any authority over Parliament, they would be swiftly deposed. They are ceremonial and decorative only, no matter what you believe.

You are just being silly now.

You mean Sean Bean, don’t you ;-)

Yes, it all got a bit messy around 2am around the casino/theatre area. Made myself scarce - benefit of not drinking is you can see it all going wrong and get your friends out before they get themselves smacked!

Heh, should have seen Sheffield. Manchester looks a bit Downton by comparison.

I had a choice to make. At that point in my life I wasn’t ready to stop drinking. Most days now I don’t drink, but it is too risky to have a car, on the off chance I go off the rails again. It’s a damn sight harder to kill someone with a bus pass.

I was done for drink driving after causing a large accident and hurting people. I carried right on drinking, just never drove again. I am mostly sober now, but will never get behind the wheel again.

Alec Guinness agreed to profit share for Star Wars. He did OK on that one.

I watch all of the shows you just mentioned, rather enjoy them.

Very well put.