
The Batman had more serialized storytelling than BTAS did... which had none. BTAS literally had no overarching plot, while The Batman at least had Batman befriending Ellen Yin and showed the entirety of his journey from beginner to veteran Batman. In the fifth season they established the Justice League one by one and

People act like BTAS is a character drama. It’s not. It’s not Mushishi. It’s an action adventure show and 75 percent of it is just straightforward crime fighting wherein the action takes up a good amount of the episode. So yeah, given that fact, it would help if the show actually had good action. And for a show

He had one episode, Heart of Ice. Then he reappeared in a later episode. I even went back and timed it: his entire backstory is told in 1:30. 

“I literally described several things that I think that the show did quite well that were notably different from BTAS.”

The biggest problem is people still comparing everything this show does to BTAS, not anything that’s inherently bad in itself.

My creation is 10x better than all of these combined.