
If you are relying on the Chargers to execute, you really have only yourself to blame.

Because shut up, Kyle.

Equivalating Emmett Till with a serial killer is certainly something

“How about you buy the vodka and I’ll throw in a mixer of your choice and a bag of chex mix for free?”

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

“but federal regulations forbid me from giving free alcohol for any reason”

Ageism my ass. I was a young person once and if present (old) me met past (young) me, present me would slap some goddamned sense into past me. It comes with the territory.

“11-3 with a 0.28 ERA”

I think it’s pretty shitty of her high school to sell ad space at the diamond to white supremacy groups from seven surrounding counties. It’s not the message we should be giving to kids, and it takes away from her accomplishment.  Sad.

Chicago based writer, inspired by third rate actor, writes fake story about a fake guy scheming for a year on a fake prank to pull on another fake guy. 

Whoah, whoah, whoah. It was on the internet. That means it’s true.

So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.

I’m assuming most the Bengals-related calls are self inflicted injuries.

It’s like when cops or Uber drivers know the addresses of women who have been drinking so they can rape them.

People have been saying that for years, but he is in the top 10 for IP and starts since 2012 which is a pretty big sample size. He certainly could be injured, but I think given his record it would be more fair to chalk that up to him being a pitcher rather than his mechanics, even though those mechanics do look

At $8+ plus for a sub, they better damn well be better.

Yes. I don’t watch this show.  But it seems the cool internet thing to do to hate on certain things and LOVE certain things. 

Seriously! There’s plenty of shows I don’t like. I just don’t watch them.

Celebrating the demise of a disliked tv show makes no sense at all. Let me introduce you to one of the greatest inventions of all time: the Off button.