
It’s the simplicity of F:TM that gets me. Just a lone plastic bag full of meat being hurled across a restaurant. Gorgeous.

I get the mockery of Guy, lord knows there is plenty to mock, but Triple-D is a show that’s done a lot to bring attention and publicity to locally owned and eclectic restaurants across the country.  The outright hatred of Guy just baffles me, I’ve never seen anything to make me think he’s an actual bad dude.

Which is just the kind of perfectly kind statement that you can’t make fun of without seeming like a real jerk.

I am so sick and tired of this kind of BS. You made an assertion - craft beers are not popular, based, I might add, on unsubstantiated evidence and opinion. Kate responded with an article directly on point to your assertion. You, then dissatisfied with either (a) the sufficiency of the evidence of her argument, i.e.

Social media users ooze of low intelligence. Fixed

The worst thing about this is that he’s a grown man who uses backgrounds for his statuses.

The headline is complete clickbait. I can’t stand this MotherFucker (thanks for that FreeRon!), but this has no relevance to the protests here.

This isn’t hypocrisy unless NK/SK were jogging in waving the stars and stripes, which I doubt they were, so that charge is way off target.

This isn’t even relevant. That is a different country who is our enemy at the moment. This sounds like it was written in North Korea by the dictator himself. There is no connection whatsoever. If you’re going to criticize the White House, go ahead because you won’t lack material, but please don’t write junk like this

Great story! I am probably one of a few people who consider the original Legend of Zelda as the best.....until perhaps Breath. I have contemplated many times which is better. And I can never come to a conclusion. When I was young, the original was my everything. It was hands down the most tranformative gaming