
Thanks I like plain because I’m basic and fun.

My wife and I were in VA Beach for a wedding. At the time she was 7 mos preggo. There was a golf tournament in town and some of the tour people were staying at our hotel. Long story short; We were entering the hotel and Earl Woods was in front of us. He let the heavy door slam in my wife’s face. He knew she was

What an amazing well written and thoughtful post which in my opinion gets to the crux of the matter - what lessons in history should we have learned before this happened, and how can we apply them in four years?

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.

<quietly deletes @CastrateMenNow channels>

Divorced people accepting and being kind to each other for the sake of their kids always gives me hope. This is a very good story.

As soon as Clinton and Obama reached out to Trump, his manic desire to be loved by everyone immediately kicked into gear and he began walking back many of his previous positions- on deportations, on the prosecution of Bill and Hillary, and on his language concerning undocumented immigrants who haven’t committed

“a toxic Hot Pocket glued to a micropenis”

This. This is so heartening to me. As I said in last night’s open thread, the thing driving me and keeping me sane right now is knowing that I have a mission. Lawyers are going to be our bulwark against oppression. Lawyers like Ms. Weiss, like the ACLU lawyers who have pledged to protect the constitution, and like

I apologize for all the comments I’ve made on this site and its sister sites in the past 24 hours. I had no idea Stan Van Gundy was going to just fucking nail it far better than anyone else has.

My boss is wearing a Ralph Lauren American flag sweatshirt to work today in honor of Donald Trump.

If only Ailes had the foresight to use the Donald Trump defense, he’d still be in charge of the Fox News Death Star instead of in a nursing home on Tattoine. Sad!


yeah, I have a few stories like that too. Playing pick up ball in a “nice” neighborhood was always a risk. I was handcuffed and detained for about a half hour because I “fit the description” of a person suspected of breaking into nearby houses. I was 16, and no more than 5'7 160 lbs. The guy they were looking for

The Browns and Cutler are destined to be together, and really it’s the only way that Cutler will ever be a sympathetic figure. “yeah man, I feel bad for Cutler, he’s on the Browns now.”

He’s going to the Browns, which he will lead to a Super Bowl victory.

"Hey guys, have you ever wondered whether this form of hyper-aggressive masculinity that defines the NFL is having a negative impact on society as a whole?"

He said "culpability". The NFL fucking hates that word.