Why do people like you only speak in Twitter anachronisms?
Why do people like you only speak in Twitter anachronisms?
Holy fuck this is unfunny.
Oh, you’re trying to fit in lol.
Yeah it’s really crazy that I’m not willing to be harassed by retards and risk my career to prove a point to a nobody online.
This kind of shit is how I can tell most of the posters here are 14 years old and think history started in 2016.
Yeah you totally knew the whole time. Even when you didn’t know...you knew.
I’m objectively not a spambot.
I just think it’s important for you to know how important all your brave comments are. You’re really doing something important here.
Haha. You’re SUCH a loser.
My movies are generally 50 uninterrupted minutes of your mother getting face fucked by 10 guys.
Are you under the impression that the things you write are funny?
What does this even mean? He was an extremely vocal left winger, but now people like you have decided that he’s magically “right wing” when he does something you don’t like?
You’re right, it’s ok to lie about hate crimes. Repeatedly.
Probably not. The supply of actual racism in america is vastly outweighed by the demand.
David Sedaris doesn’t try to make political points with his work. That’s the difference.
He literally lied about a woman being racist to him and then put up her real picture at a show. You think that’s the same thing as embellishing the content of a joke?
So when right wing personalities tweets about people go viral and they end up being harassed, that’s not the fault of the right wingers?
David Sedaris wasn’t making political points based on the content of his stories.