
He also wasn’t making up stories about racially motivated hate crimes.

So brave.



How so? Because I’m not a low income loser like you?

I wonder if your daughter is going to turn out as retarded as her failure parents? Good chance I’m guessing. 

Haha you’re such a fucking loser.

Chant more slogans. There is currently no medical treatment to change anyones biology.

You have the brain of a 12 year old. 

So the possibility of some retard taking a joke seriously is so dangerous that we have to restrict speech? Genius. 

Great. No one anywhere asked you. 

Use more buzzwords. It really makes you come across intelligently. 


And you’re the one who gets to make that judgement call? Wow what a brave stance of you to have. 

No professional blowback.”

Lol “deadnaming”.

What a brave brave statement. You’re a real hero you know that? 

What a brave statement from a literal retard. 

It’s the one where you’ve never done a single thing of note in your entire life. 

No one cares what you think is hilarious.