
Everything is not a dog whistle. 

Imagine them writing that about a female stalking survivor...

I finally saw Unfrosted. I thought it was pretty good! I definitely laughed more towards the beginning, but over time the premise wore a bit thin and the script seemed to unravel. It was worth it just to give a spotlight to the little girl who played one of the dumpster diving children. If I were to mention a similar

What happened to Gadd was awful. The fact that people took his story and immediately turned it into an exploitative media sensation is awful.

Yes, she didn’t use the term “woke,” but to claim this “isn’t anything bordering” on the woke-killed-comedy claims is a stretch... They’re two different accents speaking the same words. Both she and Seinfeld were describing the difficulties of trying to be funny in a world where the Internet outrage machine has been

Seems very similar to the “woke killed comedy” thing, or at least the woke-adjacent “cancel culture”.

You’re right amd it actually goes back much further. “Gone with the Wind” sold as a galley for a shit ton of money back in the thirties and it was far from the first book to do so. Of course that won’t stop whatever the hell this website has become from being bitchy about it.

Sounds like a bunch of fat 26 year olds will be very happy. 

“working with a therapist to learn how to set better boundaries.”

I don’t believe her, sounds like pure drunken bullshit and wishful thinking. Who the hell answers calls from unlisted numbers?

If you don’t want people to call you out online, don’t put yourself out there. It’s as simple as that.  it is the price you pay for celebrity. 

Rowling argues for sex to be recognized in law, which includes female only hospital wards, prisons, rape shelters, changing rooms, and sports leagues. 

This is more like a white person claiming to be black, redefining what it means to be black, and using their proclaimed identity to erase organizations, resources, protections and spaces set up for actual black people.

You’re behind on the news. It's not just the UK reversing course.

JK Rowling isn’t behind on this issue, she’s ahead. The NHS has stated biological sex is real, experimental treatments being carried out on children are being rolled back throughout Europe due to the fact there’s no evidence supporting it, and sporting bodies continue to pull away from allowing males into female

“This reflects not only on Rowling, but on the entire Wizarding World empire she’s built, including its original stars, like Daniel Radcliffe.”

Dave Anthony, who used to be friends with him back in the day, has talked about it on one of his podcasts. Basically, severe alcoholism happened to Jay Johnston.

Their take on the good cop/bad cop routine on w/ Bob & David was maybe the funniest take on an age-old premise I’ve ever seen. Not many sketches get the ‘instant twist’ laugh of Odenkirk’s bad cop pausing and asking, “Wait, what? He said that?

from a moneyball perspective he’s certainly still undervalued, but i’m still surprised he can’t get an 8 episode comedy series made. he was able to get the birthday boys a show!