
Like a hot dog down a hallway.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'll stand by it. It looks ridiculously amazing. Bald eagle in car form.


There's a lot of car there to make that claim.


This, and the C7 Corvette overall, is the most exciting domestic model since the gen 1 Viper. This is a Big Day. Been a long time since I've felt this excited about an American car...and it is long fucking overdue. RIGHT ON.

Incoming bitching from purists decrying the automatic and how it makes drivers lazy or useless or slow or whatever it is that those whack jobs say these days.

Corvette.....americas middle finger

Oh, I'm sorry, was Sir looking for restraint? I believe we have your car right over here.

There needs to be some sort or natural-disaster named version of this truck with a turbo-6.

All for putting a dual clutch in the top trim corvette. Then go hurl it around the Nurburgring and beat errbody out there and shut up the haters for a little while. Might have to wait for the ZR1 for that to happen though...

Give me NOW.

It doesn't matter if many will never see track time. The car is designed for the track. It isn't the design's fault if a particular owner never takes it there.

You don't kmow the meaning of quality. You shouldn't use complicated words you don't understand.

That kink is legit