
lol.. i like keanu though... John Wick was one of the greatest movies ever... also... GO SEE JOHN WICK!!!!!!!!

Also shows what America looked like before 9/11. I don't see a stunt like this working today — I think just about everyone would be pissed/insulted and Fox would need to offer an apology. We've become a much more sensitive and serious society.

It's like a highly pedantic and all-too-anecdotal version of using mass Twitter data to determine buzzworthiness.

I love that the ending of the trilogy isn't the basic Hollywood ending, it's not happy, and it never was going to be from the start.

That's just normal for us. I find American hotdogs too pale and unappetizing. Also, you guys don't toast your dogs? How can you eat that?

I'm surprised Carrie Ann Moss didn't become an action movie star from the Matrix films.

I agree. Somehow it really worked out to, IMO, make a better movie.

Yup, I prefer less kicking too. Kicking is theatrical, but way overused.

Yikes. I tried rewatching them recently. All three of those movies are really dated.

i can never forget Dark City. too awesome! #ShellBeach

I hate these w/a passion. Whenever they come out I think I have a lively ulcer.

This guy seems like an amazing teacher.

And who the hell was on crowd control? There's no way Iris should be allowed access to the front line. Joe needs to flip a shit and get people fired because that was dumb. And why do the creators insist on making the love interest look stupid? Having Iris watch media coverage with a group at Jitters or stand BEHIND

About number 3, actual police involvement is more likely in this situation since the villains designated a time and place. Why they were just standing there like a bunch of morons, I don't know. I can understand if they were holding because of the hostage crisis, but once Caitlin was rescued, Joe should have called it

That is a funny picture... :) skip, skip, skip, right to Pyongyang. Oops. :(

I had the same initial thought! :D

The tip money isn't coming in free, because the IRS posits that servers make a certain additional percentage based on their reported wages. Even if a server works in a crappy diner on the graveyard shift and is lucky to score ten dollars a shift in tips, the IRS assumes otherwise. A server needs to report at least a

Ah... I misread your original comment, then. I thought you were still referring to delivery as opposed to dining in. Yeah, an automatic gratuity for a normal-sized table is bullshit right off the bat. As for a straight delivery fee, I wouldn't have a problem with it if I knew that fee was going to the driver for gas,

Keep in mind, that the current law only allows restaurants to pay a lower wage if the server is earning at least minimum wage. If their wage plus tips are below minimum wage, the restaurant is required to pay the difference to the server. That gets overlooked in a lot of little mom and pop shops that don't keep

Hey if he gets someone at a Car Maker angry enough to pull finger and make something better then good. If someone is looking down their nose at this new guy then it reminds me of Kodak