
But that’s the thing, I think crypto is risky as hell. I wouldn’t touch it. But not all investors think that. Crypto believers are always touting that crypto is the next big thing and some very astute investors and institutions do too. (I think blockchain itself is important, but crypto is mostly only useful if you

I’m confused as to why it’s “disappointing” that David did the ad. He was paid to make a commercial. Crypto is risky as hell. It’s not an investment, it’s gambling. Sometimes people win, lots of people lose. No one knew FTX was a scam until it all fell apart. Unless there’s more to this story than you are reporting

Saw Coraline, but never saw it in 3D.

I saw it in IMAX like 5 or 6 times. The world building was great, the visuals were incredible, and the 3D was literally the only 3D movie I ever saw where it was done correctly.

Swamp coolers make the air in the building more humid. This article says this tech reduces the humidity (just like a traditional AC). Not sure it sounds 

I don’t think anything else is needed from him. His story had a nice tie up at the end of Endgame. But I can understand why people, for non-racist reasons, want to see him again. People get attached to actors playing a role and he did a great job in it. (Granted, there are racist reasons too, I’m just saying it’s not

yeah. More bulbous and upscale materials inside. Essentially, it’s a Civic Si.

Great article. It may be possible to overcome the upper limits mentioned here if it turns out that warp drives can actually be developed. Fairly recently, a paper was published that showed developing such technology doesn’t violate our current understanding of physics and, unlike previous attempts, no exotic matter or

Actually, he’s barely able to speak due to having had throat cancer and the resultant surgery. I read an article about how, for Maverick, he worked with a company named Somantic that did all his dialog for Maverick using AI to generate new dialog by feeding in a bunch of his speech from earlier in his career.

This has been my take from the beginning as well. It’s not acceptable in a currency or in an investment instrument. For anyone that has made a fortune off crypto, I’m happy for them, but calling it an investment is ridiculous. They made a gamble, and that gamble paid off. It’s that simple. For every crypto

Debate of the dim-witted

Lots of reasons for this kind of product though.

It frequently gets over 110 degrees in the summer in Phoenix and some other places.
Many places it gets super cold and or snowy / icy for months.
You have to watch for vehicles who aren’t paying attention to bikes
Some people, particularly women, may be worried about

Fancy hotels can cost many thousands of dollars per night. (Even tens of thousands per night.)

I don’t know if it was filmed, but unless Villeneuve changes his mind (or WB changes it for him), he has already stated he is very happy with the theatrical release and has no intention of doing a director’s cut.

I don’t know if the leak included the data on the other earlier Chapelle specials, but I know that they had a contract with him to make several specials over the past few years. Unless that contract had a clause that they could cancel if the specials didn’t meet certain performance criteria, they had to let him

They mean internally. As stated in the article, they share this proprietary information with a lot of employees, but the employees are not allowed to share it outside the company.

Some thoughts:

1. The flow doesn’t include the mentioned external battery for $499. It’s an additional cost.

Yeah that ain’t happening. If a guy is gonna change after you are in a relationship with him, it’s much more likely he’s going to change for the worse, not the better.

Anyone staying in (or starting) a relationship with someone based on the idea they are going to change that person is making a huge mistake. Either

Really? I had never heard that. That’s all I use is the Apple wireless charger with my 12 Pro Max. I just checked the battery health (which I had never done) and it’s down to 86% after about 10 months.

I know you are looking to be outraged, but how often do you look up the legal records for people you are having a business meeting with? Granted, I’m not a billionaire, but I have never ONCE done a background check on someone I’m just taking a meeting with. Now, if you are in business with someone, or about to be,