
Based on what? Not being snarky, I just haven’t heard anything. I was thinking next year since the PS5 and Xbox Whatever are supposed to be released by next year. But maybe Starfield will be instead?

She’s 82. My grandfather and great-grandmother made it to 92. Lot’s of people make it to their late 80s and the game will likely be out either next year or 2021. She looks pretty healthy. I bet she gets to see it.

I honestly can’t understand why anyone is up in arms about this and I’m white. He’s right...there are plenty of movies about white people.

Sure he is. He loves to grab pussies. Def a cat person.

I haven’t watched the documentary yet, and I know this isn’t going to be a popular opinion, but I’m still not sure that he ever did anything wrong. There is no way to prove his guilt or innocence. Right now, we just have the testimony of these 2 men.

No, I said the only examples given were incorrect. The main argument was, if you are going to complain about something, give examples that are actually accurate. There was only one sentence in my rebuttal that I personally didn’t think even if they were off by a couple years it was a big deal. Way to ignore all of

Is this a burner account for Ignatiy? Because I notice you reply to literally EVERY critical comment about the review. LOL.

I don’t know what other songs are in the movie, but I read “Just a Girl” is used in a fight scene and that song was released in Sept 1995 as a single. And Altavista was founded in 1995 too. Even if they did pull a few things from later in the 1990s that seems like a pretty minor issue to be concerned with.


Agreed. $130K vs $20K (what he ended up offering him) is a big spread. The $50K that the caddie requested actually seems pretty fair to me.

Because his regular caddie presumably knows him and his skills better than a temporary guy would. Caddies don’t just carry a player’s clubs, they make recommendations about how to approach shots, what club to use, etc.

Perfect. Take all the stars.

Saw these last night at a Walmart for $149. They only had the Pac-man and Galaxian / Galaga units, but I was really tempted...

Saw these last night at a Walmart for $149. They only had the Pac-man and Galaxian / Galaga units, but I was really

Aren’t lottery winnings taxed the same as income? If so, how would you only be taxed at 24% by the feds? It should be 37%. (Was 39.6% last year but for 2018 Trump lowered it to 37% and increased the amount that it kicks in at.)

Pretty typical though. Anti-lock brakes, airbags, and lots of other now common car tech started out only available only on high-end, expensive vehicles. Besides, Porsche doesn’t make any low end cars. That’s not their market.

Why do we hear over and over about these kinds of situations in the gaming industry? It seems it’s normal for game companies to expect their employees to work tons of unpaid OT (they are salaried) in crunch time and crunch time is frequently nearly all the time. Then they still go out of business. I get that it takes

I’ve seen it reported elsewhere that BMW is upping the HP in the US to 382 and giving a 4.4 seconds 0-60 on it now. 340HP is the European spec.

back in my day we had to walk up hill to school! Both ways!

Very few people say all or even most cops are bad. The problem is that police should be held to a higher morel and ethical standard due to their position. But instead, all too often, police will help cover up and protect co-workers that they are aware are violating people’s rights or engaging in illegal activity. Even

We aren’t talking about LGBT people. Also, if someone is asexual (they have no sexual desire), but wish they did, they could potentially change that with testosterone injections. (If the problem is hormonal.)

So someone could be asexual and fine with it. Or they could be asexual and be very unhappy about it and seek