Yeah I knew that...but it bugged me that it wasn't the same shape as the other notch. OCD a bit I guess? lol
Yeah I knew that...but it bugged me that it wasn't the same shape as the other notch. OCD a bit I guess? lol
I'm an atheist....thank god.
My first computer was a C-64. It had 64 kilobyte of main memory. After the OS loaded, there was about 38KB left as I recall. Loading games (from audio cassettes) took up to an hour. Later I got the external 5.25" floppy drive which was awesome because it could store 180K per disc which was huge. And you could use…
Yes, he's absolutely correct. Not everyone in the USA is like these fine upstanding examples of American ingenuity and education. Some of us aren't as smart as these folks.
I think the biggest tech advance in games this year is much more advanced lighting models. Other stuff improved too obviously, but the lighting in the new Unreal and Cry and other engines is crazy good.
I bet he doesn't. I bet he just pulls the hairs off with his fingers, and then puts the tweezers back in the drawer where his (now former) significant other had them. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I think the exterior looks very nice (except that black plastic nose...)
I like the California...especially the new California T. The changes they made (visually) make the car much more appealing and no one will argue with more power.
According to the article, the low volume of Ferrari cars sold new increases the sales of all the associated merchandise which is very profitable for Ferrari. The argument is that because the resale value is so high, people are willing to wait a year to take delivery on the new Ferrari's because they know when the time…
Either that or it was delicious irony. I'm interpreting it as intentional though.
This looks pretty fucking spectacular.
That that's my kind of red. Beautiful.
Don't you guys give credit on tips? It said get Internet famous. Now I'm sad.
Oh please. You don't have to define every aspect of a character from the moment they are created. Not only that, but characters grow and change over the course of a series in many ways. She may have been bi from the start. No one asks her "hey are you straight?" at any time in the show. So we see a section of her life…
Me too. Guess it could go either way....just like Korra.
No question. I would be surprised if it sold as well or better than BMWs comparable models in any country actually. I was just saying it's an attractive luxury car with exceptional performance. It's hard to compete with the Germans in terms of cache / market perception.
Ugly is subjective, I think the styling is great. At the very least, you have to admit it's unique looking. It's not another "me too" car like many manufacturers design with "safe" styling.
yeah I got that impression from bdk6017's reply to me. I was basing my "can be hacked" on the name. Why is it called a remote system if you can't access it remotely? Rather odd naming convention.
Well, I don't know anything about flight control systems. I was going by the name. What's "remote" about it if it's not something you can access remotely? Sounds like it's poorly named.
You may work for the company that makes that system, but you must not be a programmer for them. Because there is no such thing as an unhackable system if that system has remote connectivity. It's literally impossible. If a system is designed to be remotely connected to, it can always be hacked. The only possible…