Event horizon or limited Photoshop skills? YOU decide.
Event horizon or limited Photoshop skills? YOU decide.
Apparently no one knows. Cuz I'm only seeing questions...no answers. Bruno you torture master you!
How old are you? I'm 48. I watch One Piece. Carebears is written for small children. One piece isn't. Kind of condescending comment to make. Are you one of those "animation and comic books are only for kids" people?
I'm 48. I started watching about 9 or 10 years ago. My oldest son had a sub to Shonen Jump, then he started watching the anime and I did too. I still watch it even though all 3 of my sons are grown up and out on their own. It's a great show.
That's awesome and all...but I wish they would have thrown a dual clutch auto in there too. (Not even gonna mention a proper manual...not gonna happen.)
Good for you. Many years ago...like almost 27 years ago, I was at work in a store and a guy who was maybe 19 came in with a neck brace thing that like had metal poles and surrounded his whole head. I asked him what the hell had happened and he told me that he had had a motorcycle accident and slammed head first into a…
holy crap. damn. I didn't realize it took that long to heal even with a compound fracture / multiple fractures. You still riding? (I'm betting yes...most riders don't give up after a brush with death...they are just more careful.)
six months? SIX MONTHS? What the fuck? What kind of break requires a cast for that long? I've had a couple broken arms but it was like 6 weeks for one and 8 for the other.
The thing is, it's not something factual as you said. So making it law which is supposed to be based on facts is the problem. If I own a house and never had any weird things happen, and someone else moves in and they do, are they able to then claim that I'm lying because clearly the house is haunted based on their…
I agree SpaceX is a much more interesting and ambitious venture, but three is still a place for Virgin. It's debatable if what they are doing qualifies as spaceflight, but 62 miles above sea level (the height that the flights will go to once they get to having passengers) is considered space by most organizations. If…
That can't be the actual ADF. Unless he's secretly an idiot. I have read some of his books and he seems a pretty intelligent guy who writes easy to read but fun novels. Anyone can look at those 2 images and see they have nothing in common except being human eyes....so I think we're being trolled. Or more accurately, I …
Yes, the wealthy are more likely to have these things, but on the other hand, other than tech billionaires, most rich people are older since it takes time to accumulate wealth. And power takes even longer than wealth to accumulate. Older people are far less likely to take advantage of technologies that would…
Three? What's the 3rd one? I know only of the Voyagers. (Aptly named if ever any space probe was!)
You have to re-up / encode. And you can tell they aren't without any special tools. The 60fps stuff shows "720p60" or "1080p60" when you click on the settings gear icon.
haha. Yeah the F Type is sex on wheels for sure.
Is anybody here a rocket scientist? I mean that literally. Because I noticed during the lift-off that they said the engines were at 108%. Why would you do that? I mean, seems to me you want to engineer the rocket such that you only need 90% or less of its capability to lift off even with a full payload. Why would you…
Alex was making a joke....that there is already a car with that much horsepower that weighs as much as a Stringray and one with 650HP that weighs as much as a Z06...and are available starting at $50K and $80K respectively...they are called...the Corevette Stingray and the Z06.
You obviously are not a singer. I am (though not professionally) and I can tell you that is not true.
That's the best part about the Internet...if you say something you are afraid might have crossed the line... you can be guaranteed someone will reply with something that fucking obliterates the line with a nuclear explosion. You look like the pinnacle of sensitivity thanks to Stig.
The President was on the plane. So when that photo was taken, that plane was Air Force One. :)