
It's likely that splitting the power between the front and rear by having 2 smaller motors instead of 1 larger one at the back won't add a lot of weight. It will add some I'm sure, but not as much as doing AWD on an internal combustion engine.

Agreed. I'm not sure why the other poster can't see the mask as it jumps out at me for the ROG logo. Corsair's new one sucks for sure.

I saw it as a mask immediately first time I looked at it...and also as the letters r and g. (republic gamers) ..nothing on there for the "of".

Plus, you know, the Death Star was a space station, not a ship.

Guess they edited the article? I just read it for the first time and it says first time in competition now (which is also what one of the pros in the video says).

I got it right away. I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed. :)

I'm living in SE Asia and based on what I've been told by women I have dated here...yeah, Asian men are smaller on average. It's anecdotal, but that's what I have been told.

I don't remember where I read it, and I don't know if it's accurate, but it did make sense when I read it when you think about the Japanese culture and how important it is to not make someone lose face. If you have seen much Japanese porn you might have noticed that the dudes are not very endowed. I read an article

Wow. You are condemning comedy for an entire hemisphere of the earth? ("The West) I was only saying, based on what is shown in this article, this ONE guy isn't funny. I wasn't saying anything against Japanese humor in general. (Unlike you who are dismissive of half the planet apparently.) I have been exposed to some

annnnd you suffer from a little thing called being clueless. That has absolutely nothing to do with the failure of the Xbox brand in Japan. MS has just hasn't done a good enough job in attracting Japanese developers to put their Japan only games out for Xbox. There are a lot of games released in Japan which never come

Last year they had profits of $129 million. So they are making a lot of money off it. But not enough to justify $2 billion buyout. So as Luke said....there must be something in development that isn't publicly known that MS feels is worth that kind of investment.

Well, he's not well known in Japan either perhaps he misunderstands the type of funny comedians are supposed to be.

Silly commenter, trikes are for kids! :)

I like to pinch.

I have some tongs and melted butter in here

no pinch, no pinch, no pinch!

I know right? I'm so confused now....content appropriate response with a side of spam.

Every family is different I guess. But it's certainly more common for the mom and baby to be closer. I mean, besides the breast feeding aspect of it, most guys are just kind of out of their element around babies (especially the first one). In the case of my sons (I have 3), they were closer to their mom as babies and

I don't know...some of these I think might happen. I would place a lot of them at very unlikely, but "never" is a mighty long time this early in our history as a technological species.

Do you not like traditional salsa? Tomatoes are fruit too you know.

Considering that Japan has one of (if not the) oldest populations of any country, I'm surprised to hear about a rising death rate there too. (Talking about median of the population there being the highest.)

Freeze my ass (and the rest of me). I may never be revived, but I'll take a (currently) unknown likelihood of success to any of the alternatives. If it doesn't work, I won't know, and if it does.....