Brandon Marshall's Feminist Manifesto

Breadbasket Standard Time

Is it too early to call Matt Lauer and Bob Costas fucking insufferable?

In that light, everything the Paterno family has released publicly is just honoring the memory of Joe Paterno. Performance art at its most sublime. Andy Kaufman has come back as Jay Paterno.

It's not actually Shell's campaign, after I looked at the rest of the site. Hilarious satire, though.

Did you change a "b"illion to a "m"illion somewhere in the article? Because 11.6B / 2.8M = ~4100 times over

Yeah, Walton Goggins. My silly Yankee brain apparently tries to normalize all those odd Southern names.

Between The Shield and Justified, Walter Goggins can easily claim to be one of the best actors on TV.

Penn State students have pitched tents outside Beaver Stadium in order to score

It warranted the only replies I have ever tendered at Lifehacker.

Just so you guys know, you've been doing friendships all wrong.

Congratulations, Leo. You can now be social butterflies with a twat who prostitutes his web articles in comments to other blog posts where he sycophantically fellates the author. Your Christmas parties are sure to make the social pages of the New York Times at this rate.

This whole article reads like a desperate attempt to rationalize why the author doesn't get invited to his friends' social events any more (Hint: It's because they found he's an insufferable twat)

Now Lynn can get back to his second job as a Wild West theme park mayor.

A $3mil ($5.5mil all told) parachute contains just enough rope to make nooses for the entire university.

Italy wins 3-1, Balotelli instigates a European Civil War.

In case anyone missed it in the Smorgasbord thread earlier, someone over at Kotaku has developed a Chrome extension that turns Kinja into something that doesn't require as many clicks as a gunnery sergeant describing Visanthe Shiancoe's manhood.

I love you so much.

The first comment I've made since Kinja was implemented (other than one I made in a discussion of Kinja) is to agree with this. I came to Deadpsin for the discussion, and now to read all the comments I want to I have to perform a sisyphean quest of clicking and scrolling. I wish whomever designed the UI of Kinja much

My favorite part of the Kinja system is that it takes as much clicking as Farmville to operate with 1/1000th the satisfaction of growing tiny fake plants.