
It's their forum. They can do whatever the hell they like with them.

This is more a problem with all voice recognition, including that on iOS previously and other company's tech. I don't think any voice recognition designed for English speakers would work properly with that Chinese guy's accent. Voice recognition has problems between different English speakers' accents too – notice

It's still grossly inappropriate.

Richard Stallman is a complete and utter whack-job (no pun intended). He has done nothing for free software for years, other than go out of his way to make it look bad. Have you ever listened to him speak? Beyond coding, he knows absolutely nothing about anything and attempts to talk about things without researching

Reported for trolling.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. It's actually "emacs", we don't capitalise it.

That's absolutely true. If anything, I'd say people – yes, even average consumers – would be quicker to attack Apple if they released something that was a complete turd. In fact we've already seen this, look at how much people bitched about the (relatively minor) antenna issue last year! It wasn't quite enough to

Good catch! Hopefully one of the editors spots this.

I imagine that this post was meant to be funny in some cute way. It wasn't.

Make sure the bookmarks bar is open, and drag it to there. To show it on a Mac, it's shift+command+B, or you can go to View>"Always show the bookmarks bar" on other OSs.

Did anyone else say Gruber's tweet about this?

@Mallik Reddy

If you're trying to downgrade back to 4.3.3, you don't need to use a file. Just plug your iPhone into your Mac or PC, and click "Restore" and iTunes will take care of it. 4.3.3 is the current non-beta version, and Apple still allow people to install it legitimately because of that. No extra messing around is needed!

Good point! Can't believe I forgot about that considering I had to fix my own hosts file earlier to get this working.

It literally means your device isn't the one the update is designed for. There's different IPSW files (the files iTunes use to do the update) of iOS for each device. If you have a GSM iPhone 4, you need one for that. If you're on an iPod Touch, you need that.

I've had a bit of free time tonight, so I've been looking into various (safe) ways of getting the iOS 5 beta running. I'm sure some of this stuff has been mentioned, but hopefully what I say here is useful anyway.

Then again, Jobs and Apple at a corporate level do use "PC" to refer to all personal computers when it's relevant. Look at when Jobs talked about the "PC as a digital hub" ten years ago, a fact I believe he alluded to today.

Jane Doe, you say?

I'm not some fanboy – it's not to my benefit to claim anything about any corporate entity or their products. I feel this should be cleared up, in case there was any doubt here.

Five years ago?