
They might as well say "iPad", given that it's the best selling tablet and that all its competitors are just clones anyway.

iOS is based on Mac OS X, so it is UNIX (or UNIX-like, as iOS is not certified UNIX like OS X is). It already uses a very similar permissions system and file system layout to Linux, *BSD or OS X. Obviously you can't actually access it without jailbreaking, but it is there. You can even install a terminal after

"Approved for military use"

It's not like Apple are just for the rich, anyway.

You could use a capacitive pen on it if you wanted to. But that would be a little silly.

@RomeoDude: I have the OS X Lion dev. preview installed. Unless they're planning to make any significant changes, it doesn't support high-res displays any more than Snow Leopard.

@udontknowjack39289: I love how the tone of your comment is "Mac users only browse the web and know nothing", yet you're confusing LCD panels with graphics cards.

@RainyDayInterns: In a basement DDoSing the evil bastards that run ""

"Could this be a Mac OS X Lion screenshot?"

I don't think he's made any. The furthest Jobs has went into politics is a few meetings with Presidents and Governors here or there, and donating to the campaign to keep gay marriage legal in California (note: it was Apple who forked over cash, not Jobs himself. Google also contributed).


"Well intentioned company like Google"

Don't worry, I for one chuckled heartily.

@o0RaidR0o: I'm going to choose to believe that you aren't trollin' here, and reply seriously.

I'm really getting sick of all these damn Apple stories, Giz.

@Malthian: It's actually an accidental misspelling of googol, which is the number. It's the biggest named number (apart from the googolplex, which is the inspiration for the name of Google's HQ). From what I've been told in the past, Page and Brin just heard the word used and just thought it sounded cool.

@Arctic Fox: I must decree, that the only conclusion to which one could reasonably arrive is that your terse opine on this matter is of a most correct nature.
