What’s worse than a cop?
What’s worse than a cop?
Oh another celebrity to focused on being a has-been died due to complications of substance abuse?
Ahhh yes another MAGA schmuck complaining about being called out for being a MAGA schmuck.
The only thing worse than a Tesla is a Tesla owner. They are the DMB fans of automotive fandom.
Union member (steward, trustee, negation committee) here. I support nearly all Unions. But fuck them if they try and control my life outside work. That’s what companies do; try and control you at every level.
This list is bunk. I mean, how can you rank...
Love is love and equality at any cost.
Wow, if just one ‘nade went off in that pic, so many problems would be addressed.
I run 2-4 red light ever morning between 4:45-5am on my way to work. The municipalites in my area use them to generate revenue.
Another no-dicked pick-up driver and he’s a pedo to boot!
Good. He’ simply not funny.
Wow, a slew of paragraphs shaming women and dictating what they should/shouldn’t do.
In the TTRPG, the Gith are an extraordinarily powerful race. Too bad they made them look super fucking dumb in BG3 by giving them noses.
She is an asshole.
Isn’t she the schmuck that dated that schmuck for a minute?
Just another reason to not use any apple products.
Not using turn signals.
As with all domestic cars, Teslas are over priced garbage.