Jack Makinson-Sanders

Castle Freak was not good and your list is void because it doesn’t contain THE VOID or THE COLOR OUT OF SPACE.

This looks like some of the old N64 garbage games. Who “OKs” this shit anymore?

My eye is up here.

You shut your WHORE MOUTH about the Matadore!

Well this’ll make it easier to boot Beth to the curb after MS bought them.

Jada is an asshole. 

#7 tesla douche: That’s what you get.

Dude was never funny. 

Psssht...everybody knows boats aren’t real. 

She’s a miserable asshole and wants everyone to be as miserable as she is...weelllll almost as miserable because she has to be “THE most”.

Unless it turns into a giant robot and makes me wish it was my 


This is news.

She’s an asshole. So is Johnny. Jason’s dress shouldn’t even be an issue.

Shut all the way the fuck up.

What’s with the new trend of making video game characters look as annoying as possible? BGIII, is the most guilty at this point but I’ve been seeing it all over. 

The fact that Teslas are on here invalidates this entire list. 

“Oh no I’m not pertanent anymore! Whatever shall I do? I need to do something vapid yet shocking...hello cult of jesus!”

They were all the worst. That has to be one of the most overrated shows to have ever existed. If it wasn’t for ‘murica’s douchey obsession with mob-chic, if ‘murica wasn’t populated by broey wannabes, this show would have tanked. Unfortunately, this country is both of those things. So, here we are, a fuck to death

Stop trying to convince everyone that this show didn’t suck.