I have a cousin who has to quit women’s soccer due to three concussions, same with a friend. With the stuff we know now about concussions it’s completely changed how people approach has injuries and continuing in certain sports.
I have a cousin who has to quit women’s soccer due to three concussions, same with a friend. With the stuff we know now about concussions it’s completely changed how people approach has injuries and continuing in certain sports.
Yuuuup. Practically every good department I know of has at least one horrible (yet talented) person that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
may terminate funding to any institution that fails to adhere to Title IX guidelines
As a stay at home mom who could really use a freaking sick day today and isn't getting one, word.
I clearly remember a group of four guys in my class leaning against the lab counters, shooting the shit about how women’s brains weren’t wired to be good at math and physics, while I stuck tiny wires on a breadboard for our group’s electronics final. I didn’t get sexually assaulted in the field, but I know women who…
It’s so nice to be away from him, isn’t it? My (Humanities) supervisor once said I did a “good job” with a talk. When I asked what exactly I should replicate in the future he said, “Well, you didn’t sound like a teenage girl.”
it is getting harder and harder to enjoy earlier eras’ privileges.
And for most of existence, women haven’t had the privilege of not showing up. No matter how sick or busy, they couldn’t stop mothering. Women have been working around the clock, rain or snow or plague or shine, for millenia.
More snow then, please
...and not a one of those senators who stayed home touched a shovel or vacuum cleaner.
It’s hard in the social sciences, I can’t imagine the shit going on in STEM.
I had a wonderful PI. He was just GREAT, very supportive, etc, but he was old and had ideas, however ingrained, about how men and women were to act. So while he supported countless women in his lab, I would be talked to for being “tactless” in during debates and conversations. I wasn’t tactless, there just wasn’t a…
Anyone in any STEM field who says there isn’t a problem with sexism, harassment, and even open misogyny is either part of the problem, an ostrich, or simply a liar. It’s absolutely pervasive. You can start an impassioned argument by asking a group of engineers whether MRAs outnumber feminists in any particular field.
It’s hard being a lady in this world. I still don’t get why men are always trying these ladies. (Straight) Men already have all the money, weapons and systems yet they can’t bring themselves to leave women alone. They don’t want you or your hot breath in their face. They don’t need you murdering them for rejecting…
Sad but true. Essentially any place where men are the dominant power forces have hidden sexual abuse and harassment scandals because men get away with it. No male-dominated industry has escaped it.
On Monday, the National Science Foundation doubled-down on its commitment to eradicating sexual harassment and…
It’s tough getting back to work after a big snowstorm. I guess it’s extra hard for men, because apparently it was an…
Mind you, here’s the promo image the Clippers tweeted out yesterday morning...
Giselle: “My husband cannot throw the fucking ball and catch balls in the face at the same time.”