
This taylor was nice toward him

Dear ReburnsABurningReturns,

He doesn’t have time for all that measuring. He’s a busy man. Lots of women to ogle and grope.

Gerry Adams? Is that you?

I’m pretty sure True Value will honor that coupon, but no guarantees as to the gender of the person who helps you out.

Senior Week never really ended.

Looks like this week it will be the Bills quarterback who takes a knee.

Hey now, maybe YOU have an inexhaustible supply of Ray Liottas to carve up/trepan, but I only have the one, and he’s a GODDAMNED NATIONAL TREASURE!

I’ve been trying to be nice. Even to the Hive. But I do agree with you.

Half of them probably don’t even know why they’re there, but the Hivemind/groupthink is a real.

So the UN is participating in a PR campaign for DC?

I think we just did... :(

They hired 1990's Marvel Comic, No Fear slogan, and Oakley advertisement writers to cover Matthew.

I have to feed your comment because it’s the top-appearing comment which is not ridiculous.

Now playing

At the time, only MadTV recognized how the show was a prime target for parody.

I’ll add one more point here. I love meat but I won’t eat whales and I even won’t eat veal because I spent my summers as a kid near a veal farm... The more you are around the slaughter of animals, the more it might make you feel sad for slaughtering animals that have feelings. Unfortunately my love of a good hamburger

No storm is directly our fault

I’d NEVER work for Apple. NEVER. In fact, I’d rather jump off a building with a net surrounding it.