
You’re referring to Foster’s Smokehouse I take it?

I’m not necessarily a huge fan of DSR, but it’s nice to get an alternative take from the circlejerk that is 97.1. I also like hearing the gossip surrounding the 97.1 personalities such as Terry Foster’s string of failed restaurant ventures. It’s Gawker-esque, in a way.

Any thoughts on Tokyo Mirage Sessions #Fe? It seems like there’s been barely any coverage on it on Kotaku.

Sunset Overdrive is the saddest game I’ve ever played. I picked up a used Xbone for it and Rare Replay, but the performance is so bad that it completely it- it’s a fast paced run-and-gun that can’t even hit 30 FPS and shoves in a bunch of motion blur to try to make up for it.

I’m still content with 1080p, but I’m a stickler for framerate. Getting 144FPS on everything that supports it is reason enough for me to be salivating to get my hands on one of these.

You keep saying that Valve can learn a thing or two from Riot, but Valve makes more money per player than Riot does. You could argue that Riot’s systems encourage more players to keep playing, but when it comes down to customer satisfaction isn’t clear that Valve is doing the better job? Players never feel obligated

Perry Bible Fellowship is pretty damn good yeah I’d recommend checking it out if you haven’t ever read any of them.

You didn’t answer my question about the monetization systems- in fact this doesn’t look like a response to what I said at all!

Dota 2 has been “out” since the beta started in 2011 since there’s nothing distinguishable about the “released” version. For practical purposes however Dota has been in development for much longer- it’s silly to suggest that League of Legends is the predecessor here when the entire concept of the game was to simplify

What free applications automatically place you in voice over IP sessions with teammates in competitive online games? I’ll take my answer off the air.

If you type “sike” into Google search it auto-completes with “sike that’s the wrong number”. “Sike that’s the wrong number” is the title of the meme that this gif plays on. “Sike that’s the wrong engram” is a play on the meme’s title. “Sike” as a spelling for “psych” is derived from the Perry Bible Fellowship.

this seems like a slight bit of an exaggeration

The “sike” spelling is part of the meme that the title is referencing. That meme’s spelling is derived from the comic. Sorry bud.

Yes, it is really.

This was an intentional choice on behalf of the author- “sike” is in reference to an old Perry Bible Fellowship strip:

What does this have to do with voice chat?

This is bullshit and you know it. This is “my uncle works at Nintendo” at its finest.

I don’t understand why “just use Skype/Google/VoIP” is a legitimate response to a request for voice chat. Should I tell every pub I play with to add me or join my mumble or vent server?

Not particularly, but I don’t think that Riot should avoid implementing a useful feature because somebody could be a dick with it. The solution to this problem has existed in online games for decades- use the mute button, dummy!