
I feel the player could have been ramped up for this puzzle better. Why not have the previous puzzle in the sequence have a broken branch that is still hanging on by a thread, where the player has to figure out what the branch looked like before breaking? The player then begins to understand that the solutions aren’t

Ikea instructions don’t actually include any text! You should be able to put together any Ikea product no matter what language you speak.

I absolutely despised these sorts of environmental puzzles in The Witness. The logic-based mechanics are all really fun and intellectually-stimulating, but trying to fuss around to figure out whether you’re looking at a shadow correctly or figuring out which branch is “supposed” to correspond to which panel line isn’t

The big single-player options from PS2 era games were often seen are more necessary due to a lack of online play. I enjoyed Soul Calibur 2 and its offline modes a lot, but we’re in a different era of fighting games now.

Their fans care about VS modes. If you are seriously distraught over the lack of single player options then Capcom fighting games were never for you in the first place.

The expectations are different though. Yes, I can see someone playing Mortal Kombat or Injustice for the story because Netherrealm has put a lot more effort into those experiences- arguably moreso than they have put into the actual fighting mechanics.

Maybe I’m out of the loop but do people honestly play fighting games for 1P Arcade Modes?

It need to be out for the sake of the competitive scene- Capcom Pro Tour events start later this month. Even if they wanted to delay those events, its good for the health of the game to have players be intimately familiar with the characters and systems by the time some of the big showcase events like EVO come around.

Well, better than being beheaded and quartered right?

I always level through Burning Steppes but I never actually knew that the Redridge characters appear again- I feel like you only have an opportunity to do a handful of quests before you hit 52 and should roll onto the Swamp of Sorrows.

Surprised he didn’t mention that in 2016 you STILL can’t fly in Ghostlands and the other Azerothian BC zones.

Now playing

It’s not end-of-the-world bad, but the inconsistencies in framerate are incredibly obvious when you’re used to playing everything at 60, 120, or 144 FPS.

Don’t bother with these peasants- Bloodborne’s performance is absolutely abhorrent and it’s kind of sad that lots of console-only folks completely refuse to admit it.

You can already cross play between PS4 and PC I thought?

The mountain just feels so weird- you have a lengthy, well thought-out series of intellectually stimulating challenges, and then all of a sudden Jonathan Blow decides that he wants to give you seizures and make you vomit.

Nipper’s maps have always been focused on being silly and fun- I think his description says it all. Glad to see he’s still got it.

Presumably 6s and Highlander with CS:GO style matchmaking. I do wonder how they’ll handle weapon bans though.

I think the overworld really adds a lot to the game. If this were just a simple iOS puzzler where you complete all the puzzles in succession it would probably be much less interesting. But framing the puzzles as part of a larger mystery really makes the experience feel a lot heftier and more meaningful. Yesterday I

I am Fox Newsing it because I haven’t taken the time out of my day to chastise each and every person on Kotaku who is being an asshole.

Are they bigger assholes? I mean this dude decided that this was the hill that he was going to die on and spent the next few hours responding to everything he could. I don’t blame anyone for getting a jab in, especially after he suggested that independent developers are greedy.