
I’m consistently amazed that a paid-for service goes down as often as it does. Steam goes down way less frequently and supports many more services.

I haven’t played a whole ton of Fallout 2, but you definitely don’t need to kill anything in the Temple of Trials.

They let everyone know that they knew Magma Rager was crap when they created Ice Rager.

Which is especially ridiculous, considering how much of the Original Trilogy’s dialogue was modified by the actors.

I don’t disagree that this is potentially interesting, but Star Wars is not the right avenue for this sort of story. The original trilogy mentions very little about intergalactic governance outside of mentioning that the Empire is evil and the Rebels want to defeat them.

My understanding was that the head bomb thing was a lie to keep his slaves fearful. Since when is Watto a surgeon any way? What is the point of blowing up slaves to begin with? Isn’t this expensive and a waste of resources when you could be lying to them in the first place?

Honestly I really wouldn’t mind in 15 years or whatever. Those movies are so unfathomably terrible and are a dark stain on the franchise as as whole. In the words of George Lucas: “We can’t undo it, but we can diminish the effects of it.”

Read through it, but I think the author here is rallying against a straw-man argument to begin with. I don’t think anyone has ever said that Lucas was “lazy” with the prequel trilogy. The issues with these movies have nothing to do with trying to pump out a lazy half-assed film- they suck because Lucas tried to do far

You say that he goes out of his way to free slaves, but he didn’t seem to have any issue leaving Shmi behind. The only reason he bothered to take Anakin is because he knew he was special.

The First Order presumably raids planets and pillages money, materials, and labor.

The hate toward the prequels is completely justified. I don’t mean to parrot the same old Plinkett talking points, but Lucas attempted to follow up a fun, raw action series with a trilogy of films about political subterfuge. The maneuvering of Palpatine really isn’t that interesting, especially for what is ultimately

Well that’s part of what this all was, at least to my understanding. Heavily nerfing the AK and M4s is a small gain for every gun that is not an AK or an M4 without having to manually rebalance every gun in the arsenal.

If the whole point was to get people to spray less, how come the only affected guns were the AKs and M4s?

Part of the issue isn’t necessarily tied to the Activision purchase- after WoW was released, Blizzard’s production felt like it came to a grinding halt. You went from genre-defining releases in all three series year-after-year to basically 6 full years of nothing but WoW until SC2 came out. The Activision purchase was

They don’t want to use the existing rifle logic- the point of these tweaks was to switch up the meta so that players will use weapons other than M4s and AKs.

Probably about $600-700 or so- that’s kind of your classic huge future-proof upgrade cost for a new processor, video card, motherboard and RAM that will last you the length of a console generation or longer.

At this point, Blizzard and Valve are really the last two juggernauts remaining for AAA PC development. Blizzard has fallen pretty far since the Activision purchase, but I have hope for Overwatch. Valve still releases gold, but I wish they’d focus a little less on CS:GO and Dota.

The cost is certainly worth discussion if you’re a poor student, but it will be way more relevant than for just a few years. The machine I built 4 years ago is more powerful than the X1 and PS4 and would suffice for multiplatform games until the next generation of consoles come out. You could probably build something

I think you might be overstating compatibility problems somewhat. It’s true that a hot mess like Arkham Knight or Mortal Kombat X comes out every now and then, but it’s been like a decade since I’ve found a game that wouldn’t work on my system *only*. As long as you’re sticking to the common and popular video cards,

I haven’t played those other MMOs, but it is bigger than Morrowind and Skyrim while managing to feel much smaller. The game provides a lot of buffs to movement speed as you level up, so you can zip over entire continents in a couple of minutes.