
I initially thought this was gonna be a dramedy about the mother Chewbacca from the family seen in the Star Wars Holiday Special.

It's also a ripoff of an equally entertaining (in a B-movie way, as opposed to this Z-movie way) ninja shooting scene that starts off Cannon films' Ninja III: The Domination.

He also almost always stuck to his formula of adding 3 minutes of caucasian ninjas to an obscure Filipino / Thai / South Korean movie and using only that footage for the trailer and poster to try to pass them of as American films. The most egregious example of his cut-and-paste formula is probably Ninja Commandments,

I was planning on seeing this expecting a likely mediocre alien takeoff. I haven't gone to the movies lately (spent way too much $ doing that last year), but this seemed like a good time.

Maybe a tribute to Walter Hill? Maybe an exception in alphabet rule because it's the same actor?

I worry I'm coming down with a severe case of Taco Neck Syndrome

So, does that mean Lady in the Water is actually Mr. Glass?

I've often defended The Chappelle's Show's as amazing satire to my younger friends who found it offensive when exposed to years later. Unfortunately, I caught a more recent stand up of his which came off as really culturally insensitive in a non-satirical way, and have sadly felt the need to recant. Perhaps because of

I want to help in any way I can. ummm… I can draw funny/crappy pictures, if that's still useful for anything.

There's a video on the product page, apparently you were it as a gigantic hat/mask and optionally put your hands in it as well. If I didn't know better, I'd think it was a joke.

I feel like they really need to re-work the texture on the costume. This version makes him look old and/or crumbly.

I doubt this will get me any fans on the internet, but I left my screening around 15 minutes in (around the time a would-be rapist hispanic condiment / beverage starts trying to convince the Bun lady to follow him into a dark alley).

The chosen one. If at all possible, I hope my dying words are also "Kurt Russell".

Eh, it's the same argument that's used for the latter half of Lucio Fulci's career. Some elements of his films make it seem like it was at least eventually intentional. The dream scenes and twists of the Phantasm movies at least help justify the excuse.

Okay, but why the picture of the Michael Bay-era Ninja Turtle?

If I didn't already know how the fast food wars were going to end, I'd think this sort of misguided money would be a bad omen for the chain's future.

In my opinion, the most upsetting thing about this movie (other than seeing that jar of piss) was that it made someone in my theatre audibly cry. Hearing that, my viewing experience went from a near-enjoyable hatewatch to a full on "Fuck you, movie" frown.

I have UBlock Origin blocking 22 of something, Disconnect catching 53 of who-knows-what-else, and a tinfoil-lined beanie blocking the government from stealing my thoughts, man.

I've watched them in fairly close succession before, and as fun as it was, it was kind of tedious seeing the entirety of the climactic fights start each following film. One possible solution would be for a fan-edit to use this to stitch the films together at these points, combining them all into a five hour opus. It

It's like a glorious bro soap opera