
While this story definitely makes me imagine a better / more fitting series entry than most of the actual sequels were, I had figured that the whole "young McClane" conceit being hyped was just Bruce trying to get a paycheck without having to commit to much / any screen time.

The talking toilet in Look Who's Talking Too. "Give me your pee pee!". Pure terror.

My first reaction was that it looked more cinematic than I was expecting. My second was that Sandler is much grumblier than I was expecting. I'm tempted to worry for his health, but it's probably just a case of the doldrums.

The monsters were a lot goopier the first time around.

He definitely gets some amazing shots / sequences, but off the top of my head, I remember parts of MI:III and the Star Treks looking pretty ugly IMO, going too far into the washed out + blue glow aesthetic. That said, the flying cars in the city scene near the end of Star Trek Into Blartness was very pretty.

Did I mention that Pan's best friend is a talking pie?

Reminds me of the time I went to see Afrika Bambaataa around 2008. Some young asian guy spun records, eventually 80's era electro funk, while some young people including a "b-boy crew" that involved several punk rockers in Body Count shirts sorta danced on stage. Neither the DJing or dancing was really that


In the released film the heroes never leave the garage except for "stock footage" of the Rock in action.

Chubby Checker? Like, the app?

Having only seen TPM in its theatrical run, I must have blocked the immaculate conception aspect from my memory. I first recall reading of it online only a few years ago, and I thought it was a good joke then.

I remember thinking this was pretty good, but my strongest memory of it is that the car accident scene is really over the top. Based on my vague memories of the rest, it doesn't really seem that exciting. The original box art is still a classic, for whatever that's worth.

In Beverly Hills Cop, yes.

I always heard the first bar as "Holy fucking shit, it's a dinosaur". I had forgotten about the lyrics until I was in the theater today. I'm hoping a character will reference them when it plays in The Lost World 2: Jurassic World II

Or in the Carter Wong role (inflating villain, also a martial arts movie star)

"We had our own monster truck!"

Yeah, but it's voice sounds like R2-D2 through 2004-era autotune

Every Japanese Godzilla movie from 1999-2005ish ignored the others and acted like a direct sequel to the 1954 film.

I'm pretty sure The Lost World was written solely with the intention of being adapted into a film.

[Chubby Checker uses Chubby Checker to check chubby]