

How do you fit that much crazy in your head at one time? Translating a bad hair day into a reptile inside someones head.... really? Whatever the dosage is honey, you need to up it.

Why is there only one guy wearing a silver metal belt?

I am with avt on this one.

Ok... but is it illegal? Is this a "regular folks busting guys breaking the law" thing or is it "animals have feelings too so stop hurting them" thing.

I don't see anything crazy in this at all. In fact the mobility factor alone would make this an attractive option. Plus, the fleet of aircraft that could carry it is huge. You can argue that they would be easy to down, but it would be like finding a needle in a haystack to target the cargo planes that are carrying

Ok, anatomically correct I can... well... live with I guess. But eternally erect? Give Hobbit Jr. a rest already.

So, these guys are doing something illegal I take it? We are all aware that pigeons are basically rats with wings... right?

Online courses available?

Bom chick a wah wah.

As a father of three, I can only sit and nod in understanding at the parents situation and completely understand his desire to make a dramatic statement by killing is daughters laptop.

To hell with that.... I say end all your kung fu films with boob lasers. That's the world I want to live in.

Or, just consider us all officially warned.Thanks for science, really appreciate it. Now that we are fully armed with all the information you have choosen to provide, we will consume as we see fit. Thank you very much. Move along.

Don't forget spare time. I suppose some folks might fill extra time with navel contemplation or another round of GoW, but any kind of spare time is hard to come by for most. I love how this person put that time to use!

I think folks might just be surprised at how much the industry does to try and make their products usable by folks with different issues to work through. You would be stunned to discover how much effort Apple puts into the Accessibility features for things like iPods and iOS devices.

I will see it. God help me, I will see it.

I am about 80% of the way through Chris Kyles book and the convenient and pithy headlines don't tell the whole story. Awesome read so far, by the way.

I sure as hell hope it is. If anyone merits some close watching, it's China.

Or maybe after some real life experience of getting to know how reliable your "Gut" is, you decide whether to listen to your gut or your head. You can also call your gut "Instinct". Instinct has saved many a cave man from that lurking sabertoothed tiger. If that cave man was your great, great, great, great... etc...

It's right down the valley from the Ping Pong station.