
Is it wrong that I clicked over to this article REALLY wanting there to be video of this?

Two completely different managements styles. Many an Apple employee feared the day "SJ" will review the product.

So that is what a shaved ewok looks like.

The point was not about giving up but perhaps getting less wound up about it in the first place. Ladies and gentlemen have been basking in their attraction to one another for quite some time... you might even say its kind of important. While I don't like the total immersion in "overexposed sexiness on a plate", I

They wrote: The above

And lo, the masses gleefully took another step toward the fetid horizon as revealed in "Idiocracy". Huhu... it makes noise... huhu.

So are we upset that the rear is not all that asus claims it is? Or are we upset that a nice rear was seen and commented on? Would the same level of pearl clutching exist if it was Brad Pitts rear? I for one appreciate asus posting a picture of the rear and agree that it does look nice.

I think we may both be right on this one.

Wow, I never thought I would see an organization outside old soviet russia and eastern block that would embrace "the annoyingly high hat" aesthetic. Way to go starfleet.

I will see this. I have to. I don't know why I have to, but I do.

Baby steps. Rebel about light bulbs today, change the world tomorrow. Maybe after lunch.

So let me see if I have this right. A light lasted from 1935 to 2012... even more I would suspect. All this and the latest and greatest light bulb technology in the form of LEDs promises me 20 years, but the $40 LED bulb I bought 6 months ago just burned out. The incandecent bulb, which was replaced at the same time

This happens so often that I am amazed this seems like something odd.

Yeah, as a parent I instinctively start going for the "place hand on sons shoulder and nudge him behind me" move.

Look deep into his eyes. Is anyone else left with the impression that a) he is naked under his robes(the collar is a strap on) b) there is kiddie porn on his laptop

Yeah. In my humble opinion, the Mini is the best kept secret of the Apple line up. I love the damn thing. I actually used my Apple discount each year to buy the latest Mini. I got my last one just before I left Apple in December.


All tazings are perfect in their own special way

So cheese has some sort of +5 "curd of repel ick" or something?

And on my 2011 MacMini