
I think I am with you. There is a whole lot of cliche/re-tread going on. That by itself is not so bad, but you can see them coming a mile away - which is bad. The whole "The ass end of the bermuda triangle exits in the badlands" thing was also an eye roller. However, on the upside, we may be past the preachy

Wow... synchronized mourning... in formation no less. New Olympic event?

I am still trying to wash the "Preachy" out of my eyes and ears. No luck so far. AND I USED BON AMI!

Why did I get a Myst flashback? The music maybe?

The dismissiveness of EMP here is a bit shocking. EMP is not fiction. As others have been pointing out, it is science fact. We can argue about the full potential threat, but being concerned about it seems reasonable. Does Newts concern go beyond reasonable? No far enough for me to toss him into the "Loony" column.

New battlefield 3 map?

Great. Like we needed another sign of the apocalypse.

Actually, I am basing it on the history of what has happened in countries where fundamentalist islamic governments have risen. The taliban is an excellent example and the taliban are playing a part in this new government in libya. As for the presumption, your "almost racist" comment is far more of a presumption than

Not 100% sure why we care.

Hope they can work fast on this. The way things are shaping up, the new government of Libya is likely to be even more enthusiastic about ignoring - or destroying - anything that predates or varies from islam.

Or maybe we can be generous and call it digital recycling.

less=lest, as in "Lest we forget"

Nothing is sadder than a drooping barrel

I love it when girls get all cute and stuff with words.

The title of this article leaves we pondering monkeys and butts.

Well... my first Apple was an Apple II+ with two 5.25 inch floppy drives, a CPM 80 Column card and a whoping 512k of ram. I even spent big and got the amber screen upgrade. Saved for over a year to buy that thing.

I for one welcome our Vampire/Werewolf overlords and stand ready to point out those who resist (See below)

Hey, I am all for "working things out". Did I miss the "Working things out part" in that post? Maybe another page I missed?

Doh... -1 for me.

Your graceful pros, carefully considered counter position and references to specifics in postulating your "noted literary Dunce" reference have won me over. How could I have been so blind. Clearly your wisdom and insight will inform generations to come.