
In the picture on the left there is something hanging on the wall. What is that? It kind of looks like a very stylized B or some foreign language symbol.

Holy crap... Smallville was on for 10 years? I realize I lose geek cred points, but I have yet to ever see an episode.

You know, the first instinct here is to really lay into this guy and have some fun at his expense. However, somewhere way in the back of my head I want to know what it is like to so obviously be personally invested, excited, enthralled, moved and just plain overwhelmed like that by a story.

Diversion? I was just pointing out that there looks to be some pretty heavy innovation from more than one direction in this particular gaming space. I do not work for EA, but as I said, I know some who do.

Can we all just agree that this is really the only Vampire show we need?

It looks off to me. Maybe head to elongated vertically... something wrong with the eye/mouth distance. I dunno. For the married guys out there, how many have Milla on "The List"? If you don't know what "The List" is, your likely unmarried.

I dunno.... I don't have any "ins" at infinity ward, but I do have a few at EA. Aside from the stuff we have already heard (more dynamic structure destructibility and terrain deformation) about Battlefield 3, there are supposedly some other big game changers happening as well. No matter how you slice it, it will all

You see the green label on the side? It identifies it as a bin for recycle check.

Duh... engineering samples, pre-production, failure analysis... those are just a few of the reasons these things end up in the bin.

This may have more to do with the amount of respect folks are willing to give old Jean Claude, rather than the Timecop story. I wince a little bit any time the man is brought to mind by any of his horrible performances. In short, he pollutes all that he touches like some plague upon the land.

SEE... I am not the only one who likes all the films.

Isn't that one of the detective sidekicks from Castle in the back seat? Esposito []

Oh wow! We crammed the magical words "Auteur", "Indie", "vampire" and "wampyrs" even, into a into a post about a movie on a painfully overdone topic! Let the rejoicing begin. Sorry.... the vampire overload is taking its toll.

I don't know about "familiar", but she sets off every "This chick is out of her mind" warning light in my head.

Yeah... No Ahhnold. Did anyone see his cameo in The Expendables? It looked like he was hiding a colostomy bag under his coat.

No Peter Vincent? [Sniff] :-| eh... I'll get over it. Looking forward to this one.

Can we just skip to the part where everyone wakes up and wonders why the hell we ever nurtured such a vampire fetish? Or do we have to live through the inevitable boom of tattoo removal before we can live in that dream land?

If its not illegally parked, these folks can just suck it.

Moonlight honeyranch is haunted by a Predator?